8. The recoupling

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Day 5
Asher and Taylor
Hannah and Mason
Jodie and Kyle
Violetta and James
Zoe and Alex

And here we are, partying like there's no tomorrow. There's music playing through the speakers in the villa and the drinks are flowing; I'm currently wrapped up in James' arms, with Jodie and Kyle on one side of me and Hannah and Dougie on the other side of me. Both of the couples are kissing, and James and I giggle before James says, "well, if you can't beat them, join them."

I giggle a little more before kissing the man in front of me. The man that I've felt a genuine connection to in such a short amount of time. It's strange how a week ago we had never met and now I feel like I could tell him anything. As I pull away from him, out the corner of my eye I see a boy and a girl walk into the villa. I nudge James and gesture to the two new arrivals. "Oi oi!" The boy shouts, causing everyone to turn and face them.

We all rush over to them, wanting to know who they are and all that jazz. "Hey, I'm Violetta." I introduce my self to the girl, who has bright blue hair, causing her to stand out.

"I'm Skye." She replies with an Australian accent. "It's lovely to meet you all." Everyone says their hellos to each other, including the new boy, Sam. They seem like really lovely people, and I think they're really going to fit in here.

"Oh, I've got a text." Sam casually says, and everyone seems rather disappointed that he didn't scream it at the top of his lungs like we all do. "It's time for the recoupling. Sam and Skye, you will choose first and you cannot choose to couple up with each other. #DecisionsDecisions." We all make our way to the fire pit. The girls and Sam sit down whilst the boys stand up in a line in front of us. "So, obviously I don't have a lot to go off of here, but based off of first impressions; the girl I'd like to couple up with is..." he pauses for dramatic effect, just like we all will. "Zoe."

Alex seems rather annoyed, and it's pretty clear that Zoe isn't too happy about the situation either. But I guess anyone would be frustrated if someone split their couple up. Next, Skye stands up, addressing everyone. "So, obviously I don't really know anyone so I'm going to go with my gut. The boy I'm going to couple up with is...Taylor." Holy shit, if looks could kill Skye would be dead right now; and Asher would be the murderer. Note to self, don't mess with Asher's man.

Asher then stands up rolling her eyes, "so the man I would have chosen has been taken away from me by a complete bitch. So I don't have any other option than to couple up with a good friend of mine that I really don't want to go home. The boy I'd like to couple up with is...Alex." I should have known she'd couple up with him, Alex and Zoe are the only people other than Taylor who actually tolerate Asher at the moment.

I stand up next and look James in the eyes, a smile forming on my lips. "I want to couple up with this boy because from the moment he stepped into this villa he's put a smile on my face even in the worst of times. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him, and I can't wait to see what the rest of our time in the villa has in store for us. And for that reason, the boy I'd like to couple up with is...James." He walks towards me and gives me a peck on the lips before sitting down next to me with his arm over my shoulder, so I rest my head on his neck.

Jodie stands up next and she's giggling to herself, clearly loving what she's planning on saying. "This boy is literally everything I dreamed of; he's easy on the eyes, he makes me tea in the morning and he's even pretty funny from time to time too." She looks at me and James, I give her a smile, then she faces the boys again. "The boy I'd like to couple up with is...Kyle."

Kyle jogs over to Jodie, so excited that he's coupled up with her again. The last to stand up is Hannah, Who now has to decide between Dougie and Mason. I hope to god she picks Dougie because not only is he one of my closest friends in here but Hannah seems to be warming up to him too. But you never know what she could be thinking. "This is a really difficult decision for me to make, and I've been thinking really hard about it. I've made such a genuine connection with both of you; one as a friend and one as possibly more than that. With that being said, I know I have to see where things could lead with a guy that I do think could be the one for me. The boy I want to couple up with is...Dougie." I breathe a sigh of relief, and James rubs his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

Everyone then stands up to say goodbye to Mason, who unfortunately now has to leave after such little time here. But I go up to Dougie first, "I'm so glad you stayed." I whisper in his ear as I pull him into a hug.

"Me too." He whispers back as we stop hugging, then he gets pulled away by Zoe who now wants to speak to him.

I go over to Mason and say goodbye, just like the others. I didn't really speak that much to Mason but he seemed like a really nice guy in the short time that I knew him; and I just hope that he finds love one day. As we wave goodbye to Mason, there's a moment where everyone is quiet, realising that you could go at any moment and that all our days in the villa our limited. But it's not long until the silence is broken, and Asher starts screaming. "So, Skye or whatever your name is. I think we need to have a chat."

"Umm, Okay." Skye replies with a smile, and I'm surprised she's not terrified for her life. Skye and Asher then walk off to talk, leaving us together as a crowd.

"So Taylor." I start, trying to force a conversation. "How do you feel about being coupled up with Skye?"

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm not happy about it." He replies and he seems like he's telling the truth. "I really like Asher and I want to stay in a couple with her. I know she's a lot to handle but there's just something about her. You know what I mean?"

"I know what you mean." I answer with a small smile, and I actually do feel sorry for him for being split from Asher. "There's some people that you're just drawn to." My eyes meet James', causing him to smile.

"And it just so happens that a total nutcase happens to be my soulmate." Taylor laughs, and no one knows whether they should be laughing with him or not.

But I just stand there, thinking about my family. I remember asking my dad a few years ago why he stayed with my mum despite her illness; despite the fact that there are days when she doesn't even recognise him. And he told me it was because he was in love with her and that she was his soulmate. And no matter what happens, soulmates can't be separated.

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