25. Going Home

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Day 45
Charlotte and Shayne
Eva and Noah
Faye and Charlie
Jodie and Kyle (Official couple)
Liliana and Dougie (official couple)
Sophie and Ricky
Violetta and James (official couple)
Zoe and Alex

The last few days here without Asher have been weird, I don't like not having her by my side. We've both been in here since the very beginning, so not hearing her shout about everything that annoys her is so strange. But obviously I've still got James by my side, and Dougie and Jodie too. Us four are like a power group, we feel like we can conquer the world almost.

"Guys!" Eva shouts, getting everyone's attention and breaking me from my thoughts. "Since the last recoupling the public have been voting on who they think the most compatible couple is. The couple with the least amount of votes risks being dumped this evening. Please gather around the fire pit. #SoCloseButSoFar #AllIsFairInLoveAndWar ."

"I can't believe this." Liliana comments, standing up from where the three of us were sat. "We literally just became official and now we might get sent home."

"But if we do at least we're going together." Dougie reassures her, his arm around her shoulder, squeezing her affectionately. "It just means we can be together on the outside."

This cause her to smile, and I feel the need to chip in, "it won't be you." I tell them, "you guys are such a cute couple. If the public can't see that then they must be blind."

"I hope so." Dougie smiles softly, walking over to the fire pit with his fingers interlaced with Liliana's.

When we all get there, it's Charlie who gets the next text. "In no particular order, the couples who are safe are." He announces, but doesn't carry on. Apparently that was all his text said.

My phone goes off next, and I read the message out loud for everyone to hear. "Jodie and Kyle." The look relieved as soon as they hear the words come out of my mouth.

It's Faye who gets the next text. "Alex and Zoe." And they immediately hug each other and share a brief kiss, thrilled that they get to stay.

Then it's Eva's phone who buzzes, "Violetta and James." I place my hand on his leg and give him a smile, the public think we're compatible, which is something I've been really worried about. But maybe I was just making a mountain out of a molehill.

"Sophie and Ricky." Jodie announces, the text coming through on her phone.

Dougie gets the next text, "Faye and Charlie." He says, sounding a bit down. But I understand why, I just reassured him that everything was going to be alright but his name hasn't been called yet. I just feel so sorry for him, especially after what was said about him and Liliana in the tweet game.

Zoe stands up and reads the text that she receives, and I'm praying that it's Dougie's name that is going to be said. "Islanders, the public have decided that Eva and Noah, Liliana and Dougie, and Charlotte and Shayne are the least compatible couples and are therefore at risk of leaving the villa tonight." She looks up from her phone briefly to see if Liliana is alright, because they've become really close in here. "But it is up to your fellow islanders to decide who will be saved. In your couples you most decide who you think is the most compatible of the three remaining couples. The couple with the most votes will stay in the villa; the other two couples will be sent home."

The atmosphere around the fire pit suddenly gets really tense, and I'm so worried about who everyone else will pick. But James and I get up and make our way to the far side of the swimming pool to talk about who we think should be sent home. "This is horrible." James starts as soon as we sit down, "they're all such lovely people."

"I know, and no matter who goes home I'm going to feel so guilty about it." I agree, feeling a little down in the dumps.

"I know who you want to save." James starts, causing me to look up into his eyes. "Dougie."

I nod slowly in reply, "he's one of my best friends in here and he's been by my side since day one. I would never be able to live with myself if I chose to send him home." I then take a deep breath before continuing. "But I feel bad because that means that I'd be sending Noah home, and I already feel horrible for ditching him to go back with you."

"Noah forgave you for that, Vee." James reassures me, our fingers interlocked. "He knew you were doing what was right for you. And now you've got to do the right thing again. At the end of the day we have to think about what's being asked, who's the most compatible? Forget friendships and just think about the relationships for a second."

I think about it, and obviously I don't know Eva and Charlotte that well, but I've been with Liliana the whole time the guys were in casa amore. "When you guys left to go to casa amore, Liliana was so loyal. A bunch of guys started flirting with her but she put them in their place and told them that she loved Dougie. And he literally asked her earlier today if she'd be his girlfriend, so of course I think they're the most compatible."

"Then that's our decision then." James smiles, "and I one hundred percent agree with you. They're such a perfect couple." And with that, James pulls out his phone and sends the message containing our vote. And seeing that the other islanders have also come to a conclusion, we get up and head back towards the fire pit.

It's silent for a while, until Kyle gets a text. He stands up and reads it, but I notice that his hand is really shaking. I'm not surprised really, because Kyle, Dougie and James have got a little three way bromance going on. I can tell he's just as nervous for Dougie as Dougie is right now. "The couple you've decided are the most compatible and are therefore safe are..." He pauses, finishing the text, before a second text comes through, his phone pinging. And he sighs a breath of relief as he reads the names. "Liliana and Dougie."

I try to keep myself from physically cheering, because I know that would be rude towards the couples that have to leave. We all get up to give a hug to the couples that are leaving but I go towards Dougie, "I told you everything would be alright."

"Apart from the fact that the public hates us." He comments, sounding a little defeated.

"Who cares what they think?" I ask him, trying to make him realise what's going on. "They're not in here with you everyday, they don't see what we see. You don't know what they've decided to show to the public, but we've seen it all. We've seen just how compatible you to are and how much you love each other; surely that matters a lot more than what the public think."

"Thank you, Vee." He smiles widely, pulling me into a hug. "You're such a good friend, I do t know what I've done to deserve you."

"Other way round more like." I laugh, pulling away from our little hug. "You've literally been there for me through thick and thin. You were the first person I told about my daughter, and about my mother's illness too. You were there for me after James and I split up and you quite literally picked me up off of the floor after I had a panic attack. I don't think you realise just how amazing you are."

I look at him and smile, and he smiles back. And I know we're both thinking about how amazing this whole experience has been and how lucky we are to find such a genuine friendship from it. Even though this is love island, I've managed to find such amazing friends that I know will be by my side for the rest of my life.

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