21. Fun And Games

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Day 39
Aher and Taylor (official couple)
Faye and Noah
Jodie and Kyle (official couple)
Liliana and Dougie
Sophie and Shayne
Violetta and James (official couple)
Zoe and Alex

I search through the clothes in the wardrobe, and find a pair of Taylor's swimming trunks. I immediately shove them over my bikini bottoms and put on a pair of his massive shoes and a hat of his as well. I then make my way outside to the garden where Asher is laying on one of the sunbeds. I hear a few comments from the people who've spotted my attire and have started laughing at me, but I don't care. I think it's funny too. I stand in front of the sun, causing Asher to open her eyes, then look at me in shock, "Oh my god, what the fuck is this?" She asks through laughs, trying to contain herself.

"So, I know you've been missing Taylor since he went to casa amore," I start, giggling as I speak, "so I thought I'd become Taylor for you. You alright honey?"

"Babe you look more handsome than you ever have before." She laughs, standing up to give me a kiss on the chhek, but I already turn my head to give her a kiss on the cheek and out lips accidently come together, making us burst out laughter.

I hold my stomach, laughing at what's happening right now, and I end up on the floor, my legs not able to keep me upright any more. And before I know it, Asher is on the floor next to me, in stictches as well. "I can't" I say between breaths, "What just happened?"

"I think I just found out who I'm going to be coupling up with next." She jokes, and I notice that there's a few people around us now, also laughing at our antics. "What do you think guys? Do me and Vee make a good couple?"

"Such a good couple." Jodie laughs, helping us back to our feet. "What's gotten into you guys lately? You're starting to overtake me as the immature one."

"Vee just brings out a different side of me." Asher smiles, taking the hat off my head and putting it on her instead. "I can't believe I was ever not friends with you."

"I know, it feels like so long ago." I comment, agreeing with her, "We've come such a long way since then. And we've been through a lot together."

"You guys crack me up." Jodie remarks, "going from the reason each of you wanting to leave to one of the biggest reasons that you want to stay." This comment hits me hard, after James, Asher is the person I'm closest to in here. She really is one of the biggest reasons for me wanting to stay in here for as long as possible. I want to be in here with James and Asher by my side up until the very end.

"Don't forget yourself, Jodie." I tell her with a wide smile. "Your pranks are immensely enjoyable."

"Well obviously." She laughs, striking a pose, "I'm fucking brilliant." This causes Asher and I to laugh, and I think this is the happiest I've been since the guys left to go to casa amore. "So I was thinking, we're the only girls in here with boyfriends, so when the guys come back we should do something for them."

"I definitely want to do that." Asher immediately comments, "being separated from Taylor these past couple days has made me realise just how much I love him. Like I knew I loved him before, but now it's different."

"I know what you mean." I add, making my way into the conversation. "It really hits you hard not having them here."

"Anyway, we can sort out the specifics later, I just wanted to see if you guys were on board." Jodie says casually, "for now, let's all play a game. I'm bored out of my wits talking to Jason and Michael."

"Okay, let's play dares then." Asher suggests, "it's a classic."

"Right, me first." I chirp in, desparate for some more fun.

"First of all, get out of that stupid get up." Jodie laughs, gesturing to Taylor's shorts, and I giggle as I take them off, as well as the shoes I've got on. "Right, I dare you to push Liliana into the pool then blame it on Charlie."

I look over to where Charlie and Liliana are standing, right by the edge of the pool. I immediately stand up and rush over to them, and join their conversation, "hey guys, what's going on over here?"

"Nothing much." Liliana replies sweetly, innocent as a dove.

"Just talking about the view." Charlie adds, "It's so beautiful."

"Yeah, it really is," I say, thinking that this will be the perfect opportunity to go through with my dare. "Oh my god, that cloud right there looks just like a little baby elephant. Can you see it?" point over to the right, so that Liliana wont be able to see who's pushing her. And when she's distarcted, I give her a playful shove into the pool, then when her head comes above the water again, she looks at the two of us in shock. And I turn to Charlie, ready to blame him, "I can't believe you did that, Charlie. No way to treat a lady."

Charlie looks at me with a smile, and I flash him a cheeky little grin, and he starts laughing before syaing. "I'm ever so sorry Liliana, I don't know what came over me." He then bends down to help Liliana out of the pool like an absolute gentleman. And I can't believe he actually covered for me.

"Thanks Charlie." She says, getting out of the pool, "it was pretty funny, no hard feelings."

Charlie and I exchange a look, I give him a playful wink then leave them without saying a word, making my way back to where Jodie and Asher are sat on the grass together, smiling at me. "I can't believe I got away with that."

"Neither can I." Asher admits, Charlie's such a nice bloke.

"I know right, I really hope someone decides to couple up with him." I reply, looking over to where Charlie and Liliana are standing, looking right at us three, and I know he told her what actually happened. "Sorry!" I shout with a smile, "It was a dare!"

"A game of dares?" Liliana shouts back, "Count me in!" She then runs over to join us, and Charlie follows closely behind. But as soon as she sits down, her phone goes off, "I've got a text!" She yells for everyone to hear, "Islanders, it's time to hear what the public think about you. Fill in the tweets correctly and win a point, the team with the most points gets a night of cocktails. #LetTheGamesBegin #WinnerWinnerCocktailDinner ."

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