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8. Trapped
I WAS TIRED. The dinner was going to go on forever. At that point, even the hot pancakes are cold by now. Felix was dragged away by some teen entrepreneur who was also planning to start a tech company. After a long while, Sana walked over to me and whispered, "hey, look at that guy." I glanced over, and instantly scoffed when I saw the person he was pointing to. It was him, the rude jerk I don't even know the name of.

"Is he hot?" Rather undeniably.
"Who, him?" She smirked,
"No, duh?"
"Yea, I guess." I mumbled.
"I know right, he's so hot. I wanna know his name!" This time, I smirked.
"You ain't ever gonna know." I replied mysteriously.
"What do you mean?" Sana tilts her head in curiosity.
"I asked him before, that prick just ignored me." She laughed.
"Well....there actually is a way." I look up at her. "Don't every dorm house have a name catalog? We can..." she made a walking figure with her hands.

"Do we really have to go to that extent just to get a name of some guy?" She narrows her eyes at me.

"Ok. Is he hot?" I look at her, and hesitantly nod.
"Yea, that's it. I live for hot guys. There's really not much around anymore."
"Oh, really? Max Jerchin likes you." I said. She rolls her eyes, and replied,
"Yea Yea. Who cares. He's a real jerk. I know." I stare at Sana for a moment, a little taken aback. She grabs hold of my hand, and pulls me to a corner.

"Listen, pull your boyfriend here, he can sneak into the boy dorm for us. Or maybe he knows his name. Ask him, it's too risky for us to go." I raise an eyebrow.

"Who's my boyfriend?"
"That guy you came with, Felix?"
"He's not..." Sana shushed me, with her pointer finger over her lips.
"Ok. I don't care. Just call him over. Please..." she whined. I gave in, once again. Once the other boy freed Felix, I immediately ushered him over.

"What's wrong?"
"You remember the guy I was trying to talk to before?" He nods.
"Do you know his name?"
"Yea, why?" I pointed at Sana next to me, who was concealing her jittery. Felix nodded knowingly. "He's a really strange guy. I mean, really distant from everyone. Even though we share the same dorm, he rarely talks."
"Oh, coldly boy. Just the way I like it." She licks her lips and smirked at me. Ew.
"His name is Re."
"Re? R-E? Wow, weird just like him." I commented. Sana slapped me lightly on the arms.
"Shut up, its his coldly nature." she squeals. I rolled my eyes, ish.

After a while, a man, dressed in a white suit walked up to a small stage in the center of the room. He cleared his throat, and  graciously smiled."Hello fellow students. I am Nicholas Jathon, as some may know me. I am the newly nominated Student Cooperation Director. My biggest goal is to make sure that you are all satisfied with what we provide. I hope you all had a rewarding experience today. Lastly I wou—"

"OH MY GOD, EVERYONE RUN, THERE'S A FIRE OUTSIDE!!!." A voice screeched in fear. Everyone looked around to see what was the matter, and to everyone's shock, there was a massive fire right outside the tainted windows of Rose Garden Dining Hall.

"LOOK, THE CEILING IS BURNING DOWN!" another voice shouted. Everyone was pushing and running, scrambling to leave the building.

"C'mon Lily, we have to leave." Sana grabbed my hand and squeezed through the crowds. Once I look back at the stage, it was empty. Running faster than a rabbit. The roof was a beautifully decorated dome. As the fire burned, the intricately crafted tiles wasted away, little by little. I was suffocating in the tight air as everyone pushed over one another towards the only exit. Sana was still holding tightly to my hand, anxiously trying to find a opportunity to get out. As I exhaled some smoke, I coughed. Then, a sharp blade stabbed into my hip. I widen my eyes in surprise. Who would do this to me? I bit my lip in pain, as I feel blood slowly gushing out my body. The stab wasn't deep, but enough to make me numb. Slowly, the crowd ran ahead of me, and I can feel my hand cut away from Sana's as my leg movement stops completely, and I feel lightheaded. Maybe I'll end here. My body collapsed to the ground, but before I hit the ground, a pair of hands caught my waist, pressed hard against my stabbed area, and gently held my head. Is it Felix? My vision becomes blurry, as Sana's worried voice rang in my ears.


I woke up to the anxious face of Sana. Her bartering eyes waned into an crescent shape. Her face instantly brightened when my eyes flutter open. She anxiously hugged my neck. "Oh my goodness, I was so scared. Good thing you're awake now." I struggled and sat up with the help of Sana. I looked around, Reagan wasn't here.

"Where's Reagan?" She smiled,
"Don't worry, she was in front of me. She's definitely safe right now." She assures.
"What happened to you?" Sana asks. I shake my head.
"Someone stabbed me, I don't know who."
"What!? Who would do that, that's outright nasty." Sana exclaimed. I nodded. "But," Sana continued, "even though I don't know who stabbed you, I do know who saved you though."

"Who?" I asked, my eyes lighting up.
"It was none other than the very handsome man I met last night."
"Who, Re?" She nods. I wanted to roll my eyes, but even that seems difficult. An injury on my hip seemed to have affected the rest of my body. "Why would he help me?"

"Lily! Don't be a pain up the arse. He helped you, he carried you back here when the fire was going on. In other words, he risked his life saving you. Have some gratitude." I cringed. "I want to be carried bridal style by such a handsome man." She added, dreamily.

"Well, I wish I wasn't the one who got injured. What did I do to anyone?" Sana's expression suddenly turned serious. She leaned in closer to me, as if afraid someone will hear our conversation, which so far has revolved around Re.

"Lily. Do you trust me?" Her eyes stares  intently into mine.
"What?" She cliched both her hands firmly on my shoulders, and spoke with a seriousness I knew she had.

"I need you to trust me, because I know, now that you're the only person I can trust." I looked into her with confusion.

"What?" My dumbfoundedness seems to have triggered Sana.
"You were hurt. You know why, and by whom?" I shook my head.
"It was the Hunters." She paused, and released her hands from my shoulders. "They are a group of assassins  who operate under a mysterious leader. I don't know the specifics of this group, but they are extremely dangerous. They can penetrate into anything, and they are expert disguisers. Lily, you are on their to kill list." I shook my head in disbelief.

"What? Why?And how do you know all this?" Questions raced to be asked.

"Please, Lily, calm down. I know, this sounds all absurd to you. But, believe me. I'm Sana, and I'm here to protect you. My family is apart of the DAH, the Defense Against Hunters cooperation, and we strive to eliminate and protect people from them. Before coming, I already heard that they penetrated through the top notch security systems here, and disguised as a student. Now that you've been attacked by them, I know you're not one of them. As for Re, I think he's not one of them either. He helped you."

"But why me?" She shook her head,
"I don't know, truly. I wish I had an answer." Then, a series of bells ringing stopped our conversation. Sana looked outside through the window.

"Crap. We're trapped."

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