Plan Failed

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12. Plan Failed
WE WERE ALL GATHERED DOWNSTAIRS. In front of the very place we feared only moments ago. Everyone was in their nightgowns, tired and awake, listening to the person who was about to give a speech, Standing on the podium, was Nicholas Jathon, the first person to escape this place in the fire. He smiled, and cleared his throat. "Dear ladies and gentlemen. I deeply apologize for any inconveniences due to recent... ahh.... upheavals. For unknown reasons, there has been...ahh... many unusual events that has been going on." I looked around for Sana, her 5'6 figure would've made her stand out amongst many. But she was nowhere to be seen. Please... don't let my fear become reality. "So today, the reason for gathering everyone here today at this inconvenient hour is to reveal the real culprit who has settled the fire, and caused the injury of a fellow student, and...theft." I watched closely as several security guards in black huddled over someone I couldn't see. When they arrived at the podium, standing in the middle was a girl, her clothing stained in blood, her face expressed depression.

"Hello everyone of Eddie Lang Martin High School, I'm Reagan Parker, as some of you guys know me." She paused, her eyes narrowing directly at me. "I'm here to express my somber for our fellow student who, as Mr. Jathon said, is the culprit to the many unfortunate situations we have recently. She's, Sana Young." Everyone gasped. "I know it's unbelievable, but I am living proof that she has indeed committed unforgivable crimes to everyone here. She tried to murder me, when I was unconscious. I, as well, was very shocked. Sana Young, Vice President Of Student Council Board, national tennis champion, ranked 7th of her grade. And, nonetheless a talented violinist." Her voice carried a hint of mockery. Reagan Parker! I thought while chattering my teeth.

Slowly, the guards brought forward Sana, who was confined with shiny metal chains clasped tightly to her hands. Her face raged with anger and confusion. Everyone was in awe, like they were observing an animal in a zoo. A duct tape sealed her mouth, forcing her to make indecipherable noises to protest for her innocence.

"How do we know she was the one who injured you, Ms. Parker?" A firm voice arose from the crowd. Everyone looked toward that brave soul. Unexpectedly, it was Pika Sun. A shy, bony, reserved, and extremely introverted boy, ranked fifth to last in our grade. The only activity he appears in is the eating club. Which, is a seriously underrated club that lacks funding from school. It was unbelievable. He stood up for Sana. Wow.

Reagan didn't seem at all shocked. She merely smirked. "Bring him down." Jathon thundered. The guards came over and dragged Pika away, poor boy. "Everyone, now that the culprit is found, you may all disperse. The helicopters will be here tomorrow." He announced hastily. Everyone, a little confused started to shuffle out the place, one by one. I waited, as Felix and Re stayed as well.

"Reagan Parker, what the hell are you trying to do?" She walks forward.

"Me? It's you." She points her finger at me accusingly. "If you trusted me from the beginning, I would've stolen the keys from you early on."

"Keys!" My eyes widen, how did she know?

Reagan smiled. "Yes, the turquoise keys. Now let's make a deal. You, give me the keys, and I, will give you Sana back."

"NOO, DON'T DO IT!" Sana shouted. I turned to Felix and Re.
"Do what you think it's right." Felix said. Re nods slowly. Hesitant, I pull out the turquoise keys from my pockets and handed it to Reagan's hungry hands. We had lost, I had disappointed the beggar, and the person who deserves the keys. Reagan started laughing, ferociously, as she unties Sana in a swing of her finger.

"We should go." Nicholas Jathon snapped as he took out a match and dropped it to the ground. They disappeared, leaving the area in flames.

"Lily, we have to go!" Felix shouts as Sana runs towards us, in the center of the flame.

To be continued

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