The Man

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Hey, so I'm back temporarily. It's finally my senior year in highschool! Even though I'm busy like almost every single day it seems to be going fine. Well, since the new year started at least. Happy New Year by the way! I have a bit of time on my hands so I guess I'll type up a quick chapter. Please forgive my absence. Anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 10- The Man

Crimson descended down the dark stairway carefully. Her flashlight was bright but didn't seem to reach all the way down the steps.

'These stairs must go down pretty deep.' The teen girl thought.

After some time she seemed to finally reach the base which led to a large wooden door. The hinges were worn and the wood was dark and chipped.

Crimson felt a horrible sense of dread come over her.

She inhaled and approached the door with caution. As she reached for the knob Crimson took a deep breath and pushed the door. It creaked loudly and made the girl wince instinctively.

The room behind the door was huge. There was so much junk stored in it that it looked like some type of storage.

Crimson flashed her light around to get a view of the room. She spotted the tiny light of the little girl in the back corner of the room. The young investigator walked towards it careful of the junk in the room.

Once Crimson got over, the light floated further in the corner. Crimson took note and followed.

The light stopped at a box which Crimson crouched down to observe. The light motioned for her to move it. So Crimson obeyed and shoved the box out of the way to find a small wooden plank covering an opening.

Crimson raised a brow and took the plank away. She crawled through the hole to see where it led to.

The little girl must want her to see something through here.

Crimson was crawling for about 5 minutes before she finally saw some light from another opening. She shuffled a little faster to the light and paused before crawling out. Making sure that the coast was clear and that it was safe below.

Seeing no potential danger Crimson slowly made her way out of the small crawl space. She searched around for the light seeing it hover further in the room she landed in.

Crimson then took notice to how the room was dimly lit with torchlight. 'Wait...Torches? What are those doing in a school?' The girl wondered.

She walked toward one and grabbed it then made her way to the ghost child. The child had took her normal form again and was pointing at something.

"What is it?" Crimson asked.

She looked to where the girl was pointing and gasped.

In the back of the room...scattered...were bones.

Crimson turned to the girl. The girl was still pointing to the bones.

Crimson shook realizing that this wasn't the only thing the girl wanted her to see. Something important must be underneath the bones.

With a shaky breath Crimson made her way to the bones. Trying her best to not step on any of them.

The torchlight didn't make it easy to see but Crimson needed to conserve some of the battery life on her phone. She sighed in frustration but continued making her way through the scattered remains.

"What is it you want me to find?" Crimson asked a loud.

"A missing piece..." Rebecca whispered.

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