Chapter 1: This was a bad bad bad idea!

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"You have the right to remain silent anything you say--" I kept my head down and zoned out of the situation I was currently in. Yes, getting arrested is not ideal but it's not something I didn't see coming either.

It was the same protocol every time. They read me my rights, I was taken to a sort of holding cell where they tried to interrogate me and whenever I finally figured out how to not get caught, I use my powers and get the hell out of there. Without a trace.

I suppose I'll get to demonstrate my abilities in a relatively short period of time now.

"What's your name kid?" The officer driving, asked.

"Cyan." I'll admit, fake names wasn't my area of expertise. Hey, maybe next time I'll  go with Cyanide? Mom would love that one.

"That's tough. Colors are the worst." He sounded like a sad, sad man. Cyan was a beautiful color.

"I actually like my name?" This is embarrassing.

"Sure you do, kid." I had the feeling that I had figured out how to not get caught.

"Hey, Mr. Policeman?" I asked.

"What?" The not so friendly officer replied.

"Since this moment in time is not really going to exist in a few minutes, my real name is Arthur."

"Stick to Cyan, kid." He laughed. I chose to freeze the moment right there. I could see his laugh stuck in reality as I rolled back time. It was a pleasant laugh. Too bad it's not going to have existed very soon. At least not in that specific moment.

It was like erasing a part of reality. Just a little bit though. Too much and you could get stuck in a time loop. Not fun. Quite the opposite of fun actually. It's on my list of least favorite days. And it's higher than the day Rex told me he didn't like hanging out with me anymore. Ah, Rex. Funny I suddenly really want to stab him--no, no, no, no! Focus.

I sighed sifted through my day, trying to figure out, just where I went wrong. It wasn't a great day and no, that didn't have anything to do with me getting arrested.

It had been a painfully average day. Even before things went downhill. My sister stole my super costume so I couldn't go around being a badass. I had to settle for my civilian clothes. They weren't so bad. So I was myself at the store when I got arrested. They didn't know I was a Super. I was thankful for that. That would've only made this harder to pull off.

Damien, my best friend/sidekick/almost mom took a day to go to the beach. He said he needed the fresh air. I knew he wanted to meet his girlfriend so I played along. Without Damien, it was just me and Brian, our cat. Brian is the sweetest thing ever. He's like a mini murder baby. But he's not really into the murder part. The little thing thinks it's too much of an effort and I agree with him. So Brian and I stayed in until January showed up. January is the cat sitter. Yes, we have a cat sitter. We can't just leave Brian alone when we're both out destroying some sense of society?

So, I figured, hey, Jan's here, maybe I should give her some privacy and let her do her job. So I left the house. Looking for adventure. And I guess that's exactly what I found?

I think now would be the right time to explain why I got arrested? Well, I beat the crap out of someone. Not for some noble purpose. No, I just really felt like it. So I did it. Life's too short to think about things too much. Life's too short.

Anyway, he tried to punch me first and that's the only justification I can give for myself.

Nothing too Supervillain-y. I just beat up someone who picked a fight with me because I pissed them off a little. Just the natural order of things?

Without A Trace (Open Novella Contest) [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें