Chapter 6: That's so cute!

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"Who are you?" She demanded.

"Arthur, pleasure to meet you."

"Give me back my sword."

"No. I'm going to use it for a noble cause."

"I don't care, it's my sword."

"But aren't Superheroes supposed to care? And aren't you supposed to be missing?"

"Yes. I am. Now return the sword."

"You said you'll kill me with it."

"A noble death. It's what anyone with half a brain would want."

"Quick question, do you know who Jasper Adams is? Looks like a Dave. Wears gray and beige a lot?"

"That's not even close to an actual physical description."

"So, do you know him?"

"I've seen him around."

"Do you by any chance know where he lives?"

"I'll help you if you return my sword."

"What if you're lying. Jasper lied a lot."

"Jasper's kind of a pain, okay? I'll tell you where he lives, I promise."

"You don't know who he is, do you?"

"Not a fucking clue. I just want my sword back, okay?"

"Then take it." I told her, smirking.

She glared at me for a moment before pulling out a dagger from somewhere and aiming it at me. I think I'm definitely in love.

"You win, Princess." I said, returning the sword.

"Of course I do." She said, pushing back a dark curly strand of hair from her face.

"Can I say something exceptionally creepy?"

"That depends, do you want to be stabbed?"

"I'm going to say... yes?" I nodded.

"Then go right ahead, it's a win-win situation." She shrugged.

"I've met you before. Many times. And I think you look more beautiful, every time I see you."

"Are you a fan?" She asked, amused?

"Yes. Yes, I am. I love you."

"That's so cute." She laughed.

"So--uh? What are you doing here?" I asked, trying not to sound too excited.

"Well? I'm hiding and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone." She said, biting her bottom lip.

"Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you." She said, offering me a kind smile.

"Uh--but why are you hiding?" I asked.

"Well, there's this guy. He wears this really ugly yellow suit, I think that's his thing. He's so overconfident that nobody's going to successfully capture him that he wears the most annoyingly hideous suit. Taunting the Superheroes. I'm building up a strategy to defeat him. But for some reason I can't seem to get a hold of him. I've been trying for a few months now. I don't know why I was looking for him but now he's out there, destroying people's homes and just wrecking havoc in general. So I'm hiding. Because he knows me but I don't know him. At least I think he knows me. The suit just seems so fucking familiar." My lips remained parted as I heard her speak.

She remembers me. She remembers my suit. She remembers that she's been after me for a while now!

She thinks it was Damien all along. Oh Damien you had to go and ruin everything, didn't you?

Without A Trace (Open Novella Contest) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now