chapter 32

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I heard the alarm go on, I set it to walk me up at 8am. Because at 10am are the hospital visits, and I was going to see Royal.

I slept the moment my face touch the pillow. After my moment with Mom, Dad and Peyton, it was actually mom that hugged me and led me to my room, while Peyton and my dad looked like they didn't know what to do.

I was pretty sure Peyton figured out what was going on with me. He probably explained the most he could to everyone.

I woke up alone, meaning that Peyton slept on the couch. No wonder I woke up with no back pain.

I get up and get ready, this time putting on one of Peyton dark red shirts under my sweater like the yellow one.

When I was all done, I sit back down on my bed and see it was 8:47, still had to wait a long time. So I took out angels and demons and started to read it.

I finish the book amazed with the ending, but I look back at the clock and see it was 11:57. I jump to my feet and walk outside, everyone looked at me go out the door, but didn't question me.

The walk felt like nothing to me, I just wanted to see her already. Walking in I see Beatrice in the front desk and walk up to her.

She looks at me once I say hello, and gives me a tired smile. "She's here."

I felt my cheeks hurt from the smile I gave.

"So everything went well?" I ask.

"Yes and no." Beatrice takes out the papers I always sign and hands me them.

"What do you mean?"

"She didn't give any more complications, but they couldn't fix anything. We just have to keep giving her the treatment, and hope her body gets use to it. She looks very tired."

"Like last time I was here?" I ask.

She nods. "Maybe even more." With that she chuckles a little. "But you can still hear her chuckles from across the hallway."

I smiled with that and sign the papers. Royals still happy.

I nod and walk away to room 072, and before going in I wait a little. I'm not sure why, but I needed these 4 seconds of just standing there. I open the door and see her. Looking as beautiful as always, but with some minor setbacks.

The breathing tube and new black bags under her eyes. She was laying down looking at the TV with her purple bandanna, until she saw me.

"Hey Nick!" She smiles. I walk over to her supporting my hands on her bed.

"Hey" I smile. "Why didn't you answer yesterday, I sent your mom a text."

"Probably just to busy. I was transferred you know." She tiredly giggles.

I laugh. "Yeah I know, you scared the life out of me."

Her face becomes still for a moment before smiling again. "No need to worry, I'm fine, just got a new pair of bags that really bring out my eyes." She touches them under her eyes.

"And Anna?" I ask.

"She went to work, she'll be back right away, she doesn't want to leave me alone that much."

"Why?" I ask instantly.

She quite at first. "You know mom's." She sighs before trying to sit up straight.

I put my hands up. "Hey be careful." I say seeing as she falls back down on the mattress. "Don't sit up if you don't feel like it."

She gives a frustrated glance at the wall before she looked at me and grins. "Your right, I need energy. How does some cake sound?"

Types of tears (COMPLETED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora