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Ruel's Pov:

"Can't I just call her for like, two minutes?"

Mark shakes his head. "Sorry mate, you gotta start warming up. We don't have much time before it starts."

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair before closing my eyes tightly. "Alright."

I know I won't be able to call her after the show. It's ending late and our time zones are way too different so she'll probably be asleep. I'm afraid that missing one call or text will lead to another and then another.

I don't want to break my promise to her.

Mark pats my back. "Let's get started."


I rush off the stage, breathing heavily just like after all of my shows. They're pretty tiring.

Chelsea hands me a water bottle and I thank her.

"Everything alright?" She asks.

I shrug and swallow the big gulp of water.

She takes it from me and places it on the cooler. "It's about Aurora isn't it?" I just shrug again and she laughs. "Ruel, one missed call isn't going to change anything. Send her a text and explain what happened, she'll understand."

"I hope you're right." I mumble as I pull out my phone.

hi princess. i'm really really really sorry for missing our call today. i was busy all day up until my show. i promise i'll call tomorrow and we'll talk for as long as you want. i know you're asleep right now, so sweet dreams. i love you <3

I hit send and Chelsea takes my phone to look at what I sent. She smiles. "You're adorable when it comes to Aurora."

"Whatever." I mutter, unable to hold back my blush.


It's been hours and I still can't sleep.
I don't know why this whole missed called thing is bothering me so much.

I just don't want to lose her. I can't.

I get my own room at each stop so I don't have to worry about being too noisy as I continuously try to get comfortable.

All of a sudden my phone screen lights up. I immediately reach over an grab it, already knowing it's Aurora since she's the only one who's notifications are turned on.

It must be morning time in Australia.

I sigh in relief when I read her text.

it's fine ruel, i understand.
i miss you a lot and i can't wait to
talk to you today <3

i miss you so much more.
wanna talk now?

why are you awake?!! it's like
three in the morning there

(A/n- I don't know how the time zone works between Australia and the U.S. so i'm just guessing)

i couldn't sleep.

Suddenly her name pops up, letting me know she's trying to FaceTime. I answer right away and smile when it finally connects.

"Hi angel." My voice is raspy since i'm so tired.

Rory looks at me with worry. "Ruel you should be asleep right now. You won't have any energy for your show." She scolds me.

average; ruel Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang