Why you should know your mbti type

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♡☆I know 😅 in the previous chapter "Just a reminder " , I mentioned an interesting article "Why it's ok to not know your type". But kathryn222882 actually gave me an idea to do this contradictory topic. Both knowing and not knowing your mbti type come with negatives and positives but personally I think the positives in knowing outweighs the negatives in knowing by far.♡☆

♤Reaching self-acceptance
While it's important to step outside of your comfort zone from time to time, you should never feel forced to live your entire life outside of your comfort zone-it's not sustainable or healthy to be someone other than who you really are.

♤Understanding your relationships
When you know who you are, you're able to interact with other people from a much more informed, empowered position. Understanding your similarities and differences from the people around you makes it infinitely easier to bridge gaps and connect with one another.

♤Choosing a career
You can't force yourself to go against your core traits for the length of your career. You'll spend so much time trying to change yourself that you'll not only burn out-you'll be wasting the unique contributions that you could have made, had you simply allowed yourself to be who you really are. While some personalities might succeed more easily in certain environments the world needs all 16 Myers-Briggs personality types and the gifts and perspectives that they bring to the table.

♤Establishing healthy boundaries
Knowing why you gravitate toward the things that you do allows you to seek out opportunities in a deliberate, intentional way. The opposite is also true-by knowing yourself, you give yourself permission to say no to opportunities that won't grow you.

♤Realizing our strengths and weaknesses
Because there are 16 different types of people in the world-each type containing an infinite continuum of variation-we're called to contribute to society in vastly different ways. This means that we'll each define success in a different way, which gives you permission to live your life in a way that feels gratifying and fulfilling to you alone. If you spend your time trying to approximate the gifts of another person in a way that doesn't come naturally to you, you'll be a second-rate version of a different kind of person rather than a first-rate version of yourself. Meanwhile, the world will be missing out on the unique contributions that you could have made had you paid attention to your natural preferences and talents. While we should each strive to improve ourselves in the areas where we're lacking, there's nothing noble about spending your whole life denying your inherent identity just because your strengths look different than someone else's.

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