The mbti types in MY life

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ENFP: my best friend who is happy most of the time but can change mood unpredictably, can be very emotional, curious, bonds at a fast rate with people who seems interesting , funny, extroverted but introverted, independent but dependent, can become easily passionate about anything, can easily believe anything.

ESFJ: My usually cheerful and outgoing father who cooks and does chores just as much as any mother could.

INFP: The quite at first friend who has a lot to say and has many fantasies.

INFJ: The independent friend who takes time to let people in, who thinks twice about sharing information, has many questions, lives in their own world, seems judgy at times and has a lot of insight.

INTJ: Best friend's bf. Seems stern, uptight and even a bit narcissistic. Introverted, unpredictable and a little scary. Seems heartless but apparently has a heart.

INTP: That person who has logical reasoning to everything, disappears suddenly but comes back as though they missed out on nothing. Is very outgoing at times and then very quite at other times. Kind of awkward but confident sometimes. Seems to hide something and seeks knowledge.

ISFP: The mysterious, chill, laid back person who you find very intriguing and hard to forget. The brother who you've been fortunate to see the goofy side of. Is usually nice and helps when asked for and has a good taste in..everything I guess. You wish they would open up and speak to you more.

ENTP: The fun physics teacher whose gray hair do speak wisdom. Has a sense of humor and seems confident maybe even a bit narcissistic. Looks as though they know and process so much. Gives good advice. Bold but approachable and sometimes even quite.

ISFJ: Me. Usually reserved when around people I'm not used to. Have a few people who I can open up to and be myself with. Feel sympathetic towards others especially those I take interest in but sometimes dont know how to express it. Wants to help others and make a difference. Is accepting once you make the first move. Develops a keen interest in what those special to me are interested in. Tries to be positive most of the times and hears what others have to say. Wants to share a deep and meaningful connection with those around and tries to see the best in others. I accept I'm no better than anyone and let others' opinions deeply impact me.

♡☆These are just personal opinions. You can also give your opinion on any type if you want to :)♡☆

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