How the mbti types are coping with Corona virus lockdown

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Found this on quora posted by Lee Daley

ESFP - Making people laugh on Zoom.

ISFP - Just fine. They are painting and crafting things for their loved ones with a smile on their faces.

ISFJ - Making good food for their loved ones and being practical to make sure they're holding up OK.

ESFJ - Complaining that they're bored and wondering when it'll all be over.

ISTP - Fixing up their motorbikes.

ESTP - Breaking the government guidelines for the fun of it.

ISTJ - Sticking vigorously to the guidelines. They don't seem to care much for companionship anyway, so a lack of interaction with humans do not bother them.

ESTJ - Suffering a coronary because they can't control anybody.

ENTJ - Working from home while keeping up to date with the latest coronavirus news.

INTJ - Reading books on complex stuff while not caring about the pandemic.

ENTP - Laughing at anybody who refuses to wear a mask and then dies from the coronavirus.

INTP - Playing strategy games with their families.

ENFJ - Playing board games.

INFJ - Living in one big fantasy land until the pandemic is over.

ENFP - Coming up with big ideas for what to do after the pandemic…..and then forgetting them 2 minutes later.

INFP - Crying at all the suffering caused by the virus.

Hope you are all safe and healthy. Let me know if this is accurate and if not then how you are coping😄🙂

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