Chapter 20 Heart of Gold

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Against the common belief, Lambo wasn't an idiot. He was actually quite perspective for a five year old, he just struggled with short attention span.

So when he started to see the shadow in Tsuna's home, he knew something was not quite right. One thing that tipped him off was the reaction of the scary teen, who liked to come in through windows, Hibari. When Lambo saw the older boy stiffen as if he'd seen a ghost, Lambo immediately knew that the shadow was a lot stronger than anyone in the room. But at the same time he felt safe and protected within the same room.

Then, he noticed the small boxes that the shadow left behind that Tsuna didn't seem to be able to see unless the shadow tapped Tsuna and made him to. The boxes never had a name in them nor any indication of the sender whatsoever and as a person who has been around the mafia his whole life, Lambo knew that it wasn't usually a good sign. And he was baffled at how maman treated every single one of them as if it was from Tsuna's papà when they clearly weren't! And Tsuna bought the story seemingly confused!

Lambo tried to explain the older boy what the presents really were and where they were from, but the others wouldn't listen! And it made Lambo very sad, annoyed and confused at the same time.

He really wanted to shoot himself with the ten year bazooka and go talk to the older Tsuna who clearly was a lot better at knowing things than Dame-Tsuna, and he was in middle of doing so, when the sound of the scary Hibari interrupted him.

"The herbivores can't see him."

Hibari stared at the child in cow onesie unimpressed, silently wondering if there'd be a day when people wouldn't scream upon seeing him. The answer to that question was "Possibly? Maybe? No." and he'd carry on with a frown on his face, beating up the next unfortunate victim. The teen tried again.

"The man you keep seeing won't be seen by people who neither have a high spiritual pressure or are more in tune with the full world", Lambo stared at the boy, in awe of hearing him speak more than two to three words. Now that he heard it more, he found that Hibari had a pretty good voice. "Nee nee who is he? Can you see him? Why is he so much with Tsuna?" he asked, making the raven raise a brow in confusion as to why the boy was still there. He then proceeded to lean onto the brick wall next to them, not paying mind to the whispering of the towns people. "His name is Yoshimume, he's often at the Namimori Shrine, hence I am used to seeing him. As for why he pays so much attention to the herbivore....", Hibari closed his steel coloured eyes, "I have no clue. But if I am not mistaken, he might take him away".

Lambo stared at the teen speechless, why would anyone want to take Tsuna away? He didn't want that to happen.

"Tsuyoshi! Can we have another order of sashimi?" the voice of a woman carried over the crowded room into the ears of the sushi chef. The elder Yamamoto scanned the room until his eyes landed on the group. Former assassin swallowed his fear as he answered with a bright smile. "Coming right up!"
But his reason for fear was justified. In one of the looshes sat a peculiar group that he'd learned to know well during his years as a single father. Thanks to his flames, his so called third eye had always been open to the isekai, and that didn't go unnoticed by the creatures of the said world. The chef was never one to turn away a hungry person, but he still wasn't used to serving everything.

These days, his business was well known for its top tier sushi. By both mortal and immortal alike. During the evening, when the cosmic fabric was at its thinnest, the shop was filled with yokais of the area. So far, he'd seen nearly all of the important ones from Ookami Daio to Chihiro Kami herself. Only one to not have made an appearance was the infamous Yoshimune. And frankly speaking, he preferred it to be that way.

His current table to be served consisted of those people, the shoguns of Yoshimune. Ranmaru the trickster, Jun the kind, Hitomi the fierce, Ryoma the gentle, and Chihiro, the local deity. A fiersome group to be angered, Tsuyoshi silently thanked the gods for his son along his friends not being present. Don't get him wrong he loves his son, but when you added the friends to the mix... The result was most often less than savory. One proof was the newly built wall at the eastern end of the house, courtesy of one Gokudera Hayato losing his temper once again.

The sushi was placed onto the plates, plates were lifted up and then quickly brought to the table number four and served.

The blonde woman lift the sparkling sushi gracefully with her chopsticks up to her mouth. Her blue eyes lit up in delight as she was endulged within the taste of the sashimi. Chihiro turned to look at the nervous sushichef, with a smile plastered onto her face, eyes sparkling with delight and happiness.

"Master Tsuyoshi, you've once again outdone yourself~" she chirped happily, making the mortal sigh in relief. He took in the appearance of the woman, who'd saved the lives of him and his son years ago, still awed by the fact that the petite woman hadn't aged a single day. "I am glad that you find it to be pleasant Chihiro-sama", he said with a careful smile. The woman smiled wider, her eyes closing to the perfect form of happy smile. "Could you please make a small take away for me later? I'd like to have Yoshimune to try them"

Tsuyoshi was pretty sure that his heart just clung into his throat.

Yoshimune stared at the son of Tsuyoshi, without blinking an eye as the teen stared at him with his own smile being frozen to his face. This hadn't been planned. The yokai had been pretty sure that he couldn't be seen by the group and now... Takeshi was clearly staring at him. On top of it, he was pretty sure that the young Sasagawa could see him too.

Lucky for the ruler of the isekai, the boys soon ignored him in favour of turning Tsuna's life more chaotic, but every now and then they'd still give him side glances, clearly aware of the presence of the man.

"Yoshimune is a wolf spirit, an Ookami, who rules over this region", Hibari told to the youngest guardian, who was now sitting on a swing while listening to the older boy. "Legend has it that he hates seeing others, especially children, get hurt and thus he steals them away, to raise them as his own". Lambo's eyes sparkled with excitement as his mind started to paint the man as a saint rather than a horrifying monster. "Sadly, this often means that the family of the child who's taken will die in the hands of his underlings and that the child is never seen again"

Although it sounded horrible, it made sense in a twisted way to the child, he was mafia born after all, and it was normal to people die in his life.

"Ne ne, do they ever return?" the question that contradicted what the teen had just said hung in the air. Hibari stared at the boy before turning away. "No, the Wolf children never return. They become a part of his pack and never come back to our world." Lambo thought about it for a second, not fully understanding what it meant, before he spoke again.

"Does he ever hurt kids?"
To this, Hibari shook his head making Lambo smile.
"Lambo thinks that Yoshimune is a good man then. And he should take Tsuna away"

At this, Hibari's brows furrowed in confusion, but the child wasn't done yet. Instead, his green eyes were serious and somehow more perspective than usual. "Lambo knows that Tsuna isn't happy, he cries at night when Tsuna thinks that nobody hears. But Lambo does. Tsuna is broken. Mama doesn't pay attention to Tsuna and Papa is never there for Tsuna, Tsuna's also hurt a lot. Got bruises whenever he comes from school", to say that Hibari was amazed at the kid not being a complete idiot would be an understatement, he was actually in shock though his stoic face never showed such things, "So if.. If... If the okami would take Tsuna away, Tsuna would become happy right? That's why Lambo thinks Tsuna should go with Yoshimune!"

Uncharacteristically, Hibari moved his porcelain pale hand to lightly pat Lambo's head, surprising the child who'd only seen him to beat up others.

"Herbivore... You have one golden heart for someone who is self centered"

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