Chapter 2: The Royals

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~A year and a half later~      ~Eleanor~

"What's wrong Ben?" I know something as been bothering him for some time now, but he refuses to talk to me about it. I can see it in his face, his brows are furrowed, and his lips are sealed. He came straight to me when, usually, he talks to my father before joining me in my room. I even have to tear him away from my father's grip sometimes. But not today. Today, he sat beside me on my double bed and looked at what I was doing. He hasn't said a word since he walked in a few minutes ago. He shut the door even if he knows he is not supposed to. The last time we disobeyed my parents, he wasn't allowed in my room for a week. I almost want to get up to open the door, but something in his expression freeze me. The last time he acted that way, they had lost their fifth game in a row and the coach put all the blame on him since he's the captain. He pushed himself too much during the next game that he almost injured himself. The only clue I have as to why he might be in a funk is that, last week, it was the trials for the Major Junior teams, the next step in his hockey career. The try-outs were so intense, he didn't have time to come and see me all week. I even think he slept at the arena one night just to be the first one in line. He denied when I asked, but his mother had called me to ask if he was at my house. When I told her that he wasn't, she said he was probably still at the arena. She tried to hide it, but I knew she was worried. This morning is the first time that I am alone with him in over two weeks and I am wearing my pajamas even if it's already nine am. It's Saturday and I have nothing to do today. I know he doesn't care about how I am dressed, and neither do I, but I still feel lazy especially since I know that he probably got up at five this morning if not earlier. He must have come here directly after his training; his hair is still wet, and he is wearing the grey sweatpants with the Scorpion's logo he always puts on after showering at the arena. He sighs before leaning his head on my shoulder. I close my Spanish book to be able to play with the damp hair on his neck. I don't say a word. I have learned that it is never good to make him confess in a hurry. He'll just end up being mad at me. I stay put, waiting for him to find the right words for what he has to say. I create thousands of scenarios in my head, every one crazier than the previous. Finally, after what felt like an hour, but, in reality, was barely five minutes, he decides to speak.

"They didn't pick me, El. The South Island Royals didn't pick me. They picked Ryan Pollock, but they didn't pick me, can you believe that?" Oh no. This is worse than the worst scenario I imagined. The Royals were his first choice for next year. Since they are based in Victoria, it was logical for him to pursue a career with them. We had a plan for next year, he was going to play for The Royals while I would go to university in Victoria. They offer a great writing program there, so it worked for everyone. Now, if he isn't part of that team, who knows where he will end up? Who knows where I'll end up? My heart beats a little faster in my chest. For the first time in my life, I don't know what I will do next year. Of course, I could still go to the University of Victoria without Ben, but I don't want to do that, and we promised each other that we would be together next year.

"You know for sure? I thought the gala was next week." I choose my words carefully to not upset him even more. Every year, the Major Junior teams from all over Canada host a gala where they announce their player choices from the Midget AAA teams. In British-Columbia, the gala is next week in Vancouver.

"Ryan's uncle knows someone who works for the Royals and he told them who was drafted, and my name didn't come up," he takes a break before continuing. "And I am not going to the gala anymore. I wouldn't be able to bear seeing my friends being drafted and not me." I roll my eyes, it is always like that with Ben. His pride is more important than everything else. His ego outshines every other quality he has making it hard to find them when he says stuff like this. You have to dig deep and be patient, but once he feels comfortable enough, he is the sweetest man I have ever met. I move away from him, so that I can look into his eyes. In the process, his head falls from my shoulder. He furrows his brows and pouts.

"You are the best player on that team Ben," I grab his hands in mine and look straight into his eyes, "Of course, you'll be drafted, even if it's not from your first choice. We are going to that gala." The ferry tickets are already bought, the hotel room is booked, I made plans with my teachers to hand in the work that was due on Friday beforehand, we are going. I didn't spend 300$ to stay home, no way. I raise my eyebrows, awaiting his reaction. He nods. We stay silent for a few minutes until I ask the question that I have had in mind for quite some time now.

"I'll ask a question you won't like, okay? You will get drafted, I know you will, but if you are not, what will you do?" Ben decided to drop out of high school at the end of last year to focus on his training. If he isn't playing for a Major Junior team next year, he has nothing ahead of him and that scares me. It scares me more than it scares him or, if it scares him, he doesn't let it show. His eyes harden when he his eyes meet mine once more.

"I'll go back to school. Is that what you want me to say, Eleanor?" I shake my head and lower my eyes. I hate when he calls me Eleanor since he only does it when he's upset. I try to convince myself that I am worrying for nothing. Any team would be lucky to hire Ben, I know that, but what if? What if he didn't perform as well as he thought during the try-outs? What if his coach doesn't recommend him? What will he do? He can't stay in Midget AAA for another year. He is turning eighteen in a couple of months meaning that he has to move on to major teams. Junior isn't for him anymore.

It wasn't discussed again. We spent that day together, we went to the movie theater and for ice cream afterwards. He didn't bring it up again, and neither did I.

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