Chapter 35: Gone

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I woke up at ten on Friday morning alone in my small hospital bed. There was a note on the small table I ate on yesterday. El had went home to get clothes. I thought it was a great idea, I only had the long-sleeve shirt I wear under my hockey jersey and a pair of warm long underpants. I waited for an hour, half thinking about what happened on the ice yesterday and half about the news of Eleanor's pregnancy. I honestly had no idea what we were going to do. We're twenty for God's sakes! We are so not ready to become parents. I tried not to show how much it freaked me out to look supportive. My mind isn't made up about how I feel about it just yet apart from the fact that I am freaking out. That's the only thing I am sure of. Do I even get to have an opinion? It's her that is most affected by it in the end, she's the one who will either endure the pregnancy for nine months or have to go through getting an abortion. She's the one with the bigger end of the stick, right?

At noon, I was starting to worry. How long does it take to go get a pair of jeans and a shirt? I tried to call her, but she didn't pick up. The doctor was only waiting for her to return to send me home. He gave me a couple of meds prescriptions and completely forbade me to play hockey for at least two to three weeks.

At half past noon, I tried to call her again, but it went straight to voicemail. Did she turn off her phone? The nurses were pushing me out of the door, I had to call someone else. I call Logan, the guy I get along with the best on the team, but he doesn't pick up either. What is the point of having a phone if you're not answering it? I check the time, at this hour, the guys are probably under the shower which is why Logan didn't answer me. I don't have another option, I have to call Brittany. I have a faint memory of her talking yesterday, but I don't know how much I can count on my memories of yesterday. She thankfully picks up on the second ring. After a short conversation, she agrees to pick me up.

When she arrived, she looked way too happy that I called her, and no matter how many times I tell her that I called many people before her, the smile on her face doesn't fade. At least, she actually showed up, so I ignore her many tries to get me to talk about why Eleanor isn't picking me up. She drops me off at my building and insists to come inside. After denying multiple times, I have no choice but to agree when she starts talking about never being able to forgive herself if anything were to happen to me while walking up the stairs. They are tricky stairs, I have to give her that.

It's clear instantly. I can feel it in the room when I walk in. Eleanor left. Where and for how long I don't know, but the important thing right now is that she's gone. Her phone is on the table, but her laptop, her shampoo bottle, and some of her favorite clothes are gone. Just like her. I don't know if I'm mad or sad. Maybe a mix of the two. I know she is going through a rough period, but it saddens me that she didn't want us to spend it together. We could've figured it out together.

"You can't stay here alone," Brittany said, breaking the silence. "Come stay with me and Gabby." I have no idea who is Gabby and it's probably the anger talking, but I agree.

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