Chapter 10

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Currently it was way past midnight, all the guest had left or more like were informed to leave, because my parents had informed that something had come up and they had stop the party.

And here I was standing in the lobby of my own house, but the comfort of my own house was vanished. It was like, the vibes knew that this day would come soon and they had packed all their bags, because even they did not have the power to deal with tension I was facing right now.

My mind was continuously having flashback of when maa caught us.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

Maa had screamed on top of her voice.

Both Ahana and me had stayed frozen in place for what seemed like milliseconds and then jumped out of our shock state. My mind was still trying to understand what exactly had happened. My conscious had fainted as soon as she finally realized that maa had caught us kissing Ahana.

Maa right at that instant stormed out of the place and informed my dad, but not before giving me a look which I know is now embedded in my mind forever, her eyes which once used to be so soft when looking at me, were now cold and distant, they held hatred, directed towards me?


Their own blood?

I had broken down, right then there, had Ahana not embrace me and told me that it was now or never to defend us.

They would understand, accept us, right? After all I was their child.


The words came out of my mother's mouth, her tone was so cold, and I felt my heartbreak, right there.

"Maa, please give me a chance I can explain."

"What is it to explain now? You knew we hate THESE kinds of people, but you still go ahead and do this THING. For what? This will not make you cool. The god will punish you. This is against the nature, and society? What about the society? They will never accept you. People will look at us with disgust. The respect and name we have created with so much hard work will go down in few seconds."

My father voice boomed in the room.

I mustered up all the courage I had in me and defended what I should have the day I found the love of my life.

"You think that I love her because it will make me look cool? What is wrong with you? And society? Who told you society won't accept us. It is legal to love whoever you want."

I walked to Ahana, who had been sitting in the corner with her parents, held her hands, looked at my parents and said,

"Maa, you loved her, when I introduced her to you. Didn't you? Then what went wrong now. Dad didn't you tell me that love is blind, when I was a kid? Ahana is the one for me. And show me where is it written that god won't accept us? Hadn't it be natural, people like us wouldn't have existed dad. This is not a choice I made. And tell me one thing, if this was a choice, when did you get the choice to become who you are? The only choice I made here was to be myself."

I look at Ahana a say; "I am a girl and I love a girl. I am okay with that. I want someone in my life to look at me and think, she's my happy ending. " I cup her cheeks , look directly in her eyes. "And Ahana looks at me that way. When I kiss her, I can taste my next 60 years with her. She makes me happy in a way no one else can. She knew I was getting married, that you guys will never accept her, she still chose to stay by my side. I know she is the one, because she loves me in spite of all the unlovable pieces she had to pick up."

I looked at my dad and said; "Dad didn't you tell me that I'll find my prince charming one day? Well here she is, but the difference is, my prince charming is a princess. I love her. She loves me. What more could I want? When it comes to my heart she has the key to it. She has held me hostage with one glance in my eyes. Please. Please accept me, us, our love."

My voice breaks in the end, tears threaten to spill down my eyes, and it takes a lot of energy to hold back.

Maa is about to say something, when we here a gasp.

We all look towards the source of the sound, it is one of my aunts, she is standing in the hallway, and the look on her face says it all. She heard our conversation.

She comes running towards my mother hugs her.

Then looks at me and Ahana with utmost disgust in her eyes and says, "You both will rot in hell. God is never going to accept you. If you think this is natural, tell me how will one of you conceive a baby? You won't, because for that you need a man. Why are you doing this to your parents? Huh? And you are Ahana's parents right? Why are you supporting them? Is this your plan or something? You are using some kind of a black magic on our Shanaya, right? So that you can get all her money. People li-"

"Enough. I have heard enough from your foul mouth. Maa, dad, this, this is the society you were talking about? You won't support support your own daughter? And being a lesbian is not a crime and it is NOT a sin. Stop using god to justify your prejudice. Religion is about loving one another. You're just looking an excuse to hate. And we can reproduce? Well then people like us will adopt kids which you straight people abandoned after reproducing."

"Shanaya, is this the way you talk to your elders? And if you don't leave this girl's hand right now, then we will disown you. No child of mine, lives a life like THAT." My dad shouted.

I felt my mind, body and soul was all separated, everything was destroyed.

This is the only thing I had feared.

I ran a hand in my hairs, looked at my parents, who held look the of disgust and betrayal took a glance towards my life, Ahana.

The tense surrounding was making it difficult for me to the breathe.

This. This is what I was scared of, I would never be able to make a choice, but I will be forced to.

And after this scene, my decision was clear.

I knew exactly who to choose.

And I know I will regret this.


So how was this chapter?

I hope to see you all real soon.

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Till next time people.

Much Love to all,

Khushee Taneja


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