Chapter 12

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Time was passing by; I had somehow learned to live with the hole in my heart.

I hadn't given up , I still called them every day, my mother picked up every day, I tell her how much I missed her, explained her my part, told her that I couldn't live without them, but all I hear is silence from her part. She utters no word, it's almost like she is not there, but I know she listens to everything I say, she wants to talk to me, but she doesn't.

It had been six months since that day; Ahana and I were doing well.

Ranbir had also met a girl and started dating, we were all very happy for him.

Two months back Karan had told us that he and his boyfriend were expecting their first child through surrogacy.

And we couldn't be happier for them.

Everything had started to finally settle down, Except for my reconciliation with my parents.

Shortly after Karan had told us, that they were expecting, Ahana and I also considered the idea of having a kid of our own. We had discussed about it and came to the decision that till the time we don't get married we won't be having a kid of our own, but we considered the idea of adopting a baby.

We went to a foster home, met all the babies, spent time with them, we met a cute little baby girl, she has brown curly hairs, vibrant blue eyes, the most prettiest smile in the world and when she laughs, oh god, don't even get me started on that, it's like music to my ears. She is 5 months old.

I felt like an instant connection to her, I told Ahana about it and she said she felt the same.

We went talked to the owner and care taker of the foster home; it took them few days for completing all the papers works and all the formalities.

Today was the day we were going to bring our little bundle of joy home.

As soon as we reached there, Ahana practically rushed to foster office, seeing this excitement on her face bought an immediate smile on my face.

I walked behind her with butterflies in my stomach; I was so excited to meet her, to finally take her home.

We had decided to name her Zaina Vidya Singhania.

Zaina meant beautiful, because our baby was very beautiful. Our . The word so new, the territory so foreign to the both of us. I was so nervous and excited. I would be a mother within few minutes.

We waited in the office, every moment felt like an eternity, and my mind was overflowing with question, why was it taking so long, was there any issue with the petition? Was our baby okay?

I was about to have a panic attack, when the doors creaked open and in walked Miss Swati, the foster head carrying Zaina in their hand, as soon as she looked at me, she smiled, her smile light up the whole room, making a smile coming on my face instantly.

Miss Sugandha came to me with the official documents and she asked me to fill the form, where I was supposed to write the name of the baby, and our personal detail.

Both of them will be visiting the baby from time to time, to check on her.

An emotion rushed through me, a combination of joy and recognition of the power of something bigger than myself for which I have an inadequate vocabulary. The rest of the form seemed to fill itself out while I re-configured my identity from "committed, no kids" to "Mother".

We bought Zaina to Ahana's parents' house. They were both so happy.

Everything seemed to be falling in place, but I wanted, my parents to be here at this moment. That would have just made it like my complete family.

Ahana must have noticed that I was zoning out, she placed her hand on my thigh. I instantly snapped back, and smiled at her, telling her that I was fine.

But she still pecked me on the lips, and whispered in my ear, "Everything will be alright. I know you miss them and I am sure they miss you just as much, they will come around. Trust me."

I just sighed and nodded, and hoped for the best.


So how was this chapter?

I hope to see you all real soon.

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Till next time people.

Much Love To All,

Khushee Taneja


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