Chapter 13

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It had been about a month since we adopted Zaina, she has been this positive ray in our life that we so desperately wanted.

Zaina is a normal healthy baby, we were so thankful to the god about that. She had started teething and would take anything in her mouth, her favorite thing has been messing with my hair, every morning when I would get ready to go for work and come to kiss her goodbye, she will giggle and mumble something in her baby language and mess my hairs and giggle more. This would always make Ahana laugh; it was like an every morning routine for us.

Motherhood was something so beautiful and special to both of us, when we both would come to pick Zaina from Ahana's parents' house she becomes so happy to see us, and it just warms my heart and there is this feeling of utmost happiness which takes over my heart which words can never describe.

We both would always try to teach her words, but she would just giggle and mumble something.

As we had given Zaina my last name, we had decided that when she grows up she will call Ahana's parents as nana-nani, which means maternal grandparents.

Today being Sunday, a day when both Ahana and I looked forward to every week, as we both were home, we loved spending time with our daughter.

Currently I was sitting with Zaina in my lap and Ahana was making baby food for her.

I had all her toys with me, and I was making these weird faces and noises which always made Zaina laugh.

Ahana entered the room with the food and a big smile on her face.

She sat beside me, took Zaina in her lap and started feeding.

I smiled looking at both my girls.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard, Zaina say her first word.

Her angelic voice said, "Dada." And then she giggled.

I and Ahana looked at each other we were both so happy, I had tears in my eyes, and the first word she spoke was dada, which was grandfather.

I looked at Zaina, after wiping my tears and said, "Zaina, baby, can you say it again? Say dada again for mama?"

And she said it again, "Dada." And then giggled.

I had teared in my eyes. I kissed her all over her face, I pecked Ahana on her lips, I was ecstatic.

I wished that my mom and dad would have been here to hear her say this.

I know my parents won't say anything when I called them, but I wanted them to know this news. They didn't know we had adopted a baby. Now, I was hell bent towards telling them.

I called my mother, and as usual she picked it up but said nothing, so I said, "Maa." I was balling my eyes out by this time.

"I know you are upset, angry, disappointed and what not, but I want to tell you something. We adopted a baby, maa. Your daughter is a mother now."

Nothing, all I got was silence, but I knew that she was hearing.

"We named her Zaina Vidya Singhania. We gave her your mother's name as her middle name. She is so beautiful. And do you know what she said right now? She said dada. Her first was for papa, maa. I want you to meet her. I want papa to meet her. Please accept us."

I cried but she said nothing.

As usual I was about to cut the call, when I heard, "Shanaya."

I almost thought that I was day dreaming, it was a faint whisper, but I heard it.


I was still not sure that she had said something, it had all been an illusion to me, but then I heard sniffles on the other side and I became certain that after a long time my mother had finally spoken to me.

I decided to test my luck.

"Maa? Please say something. I am sorry maa, I cannot change what happened please, please accept me, accept us, accept your granddaughter. She needs you both."

And then she said what I thought I would never hear.


So how was this chapter?

I hope to see you all real soon.

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Till next time people.

Much Love To All,

Khushee Taneja


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