33: The Day Friendship Tilted My World Upside Down

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33: The Day Friendship Tilted My World Upside Down

Emil's POV

Days had passed by and I was more relaxed now that Biya was getting better. The bruises she got were slowly disappearing and she's covering it up with make-up so she wouldn't create more scandal in her work. Marcus informed me that the hospital staff heard about Biya and Zeke's fight and they wouldn't want to get involved with Zeke's work now. It was for the best. A boss should always be a good example to his employees. Well, we have our bad days but physical abuse is not in the list of our coping mechanism. In addition to that, Zeke has a high position in the hospital and he shouldn't be abusive because that would reflect to his career as a doctor and his name. I still was cautious for Biya's safety because Zeke hasn't left the country yet. As long as he is here, I wouldn't let my guard down. Biya tried to talk me out about letting the security leave her alone but I told her I would only do that when Zeke has left. She was annoyed at first so we compromised and lessened the men watching Biya. I didn't want to leave Biya out of my sight but I have important appointments to attend to so I had to leave her with my team. I trust my bodyguards but I still felt more comfortable whenever I was near Biya.  She and I have not talked after I flew out of the country. I didn't know if I should talk to her or not because we're  now friends but I was still working out how to make a conversation without making her feel like I was the man she was with before. This is fucking stupid. I let myself be friends with her when my body screamed that I still love her. Damn it. A knock on the door cleared my mind and I realized that I was just staring at the document in front of me with my hand gripping the pen tightly.
"Come in." I allowed the person to enter. It was Dante! He walked in with a shy smile, his camera in his black bag which he was holding tightly like it was his most precious cargo.
"Dante! Can I help you?" I asked easing out from my worried state. I released my pen on the table and leaned back on my seat.
"Thank you for buying me a new camera, sir! I really love this one. You're the best!" He was glowing as he zipped the bag out and pulled the new black camera. It was the latest model and even though I didn't know anything about professional cameras, I know that my secretary chose the best camera for him.
"I'm glad you love it. More beautiful photos to display soon, I hope?" I asked with a smile, challenging him to take on the world of photography with a better weapon.
"Of course, sir! You bet I will! I promise you. I will take pictures better." He was now smiling from ear- to- ear while pointing at me then pointing his chest before pointing at me again. I was proud of him. I'm glad I stumbled upon him and made him improve more.
"I'll take that promise and I'm looking forward for your pictures."
"Yes sir! Thanks again!" He smiled before he waved his goodbye.
"You're welcome." Dante closed the door and the office was quiet again. surrounded by the silence of the room, the voices inside my head came back again and all they screamed were the name of Biya. Goddamnit! Why was it so hard to stuff it in my brain that we're friends?! The contagious smile Dante has given me slowly disappeared replaced by the questions that still stayed in my mind when I repeatedly told myself I shouldn't love Biya again. Why? Why does it hurt so much? Why do I have to go through this? Why do I still choose to stay when she repeatedly said no? Why was I a fucking idiot? Why can't I fall out of love with her? How can a man like me move on when a woman like her keeps appearing in my life? What can I do to numb the heartache? Alcohol? Food? Work? Work-out? When will this end? How come I don't get tired loving her? If someone could just replace her, who? Who could even replace the woman I have told myself that I was going to be with until I die? Who? No one! I sighed and closed my eyes, my fingers pinching the bridge of my nose as these tiring questions kept me awake at night almost every single night. What now? We're friends. We both agreed to that but I know some part of her still has something for me. There must be or else she could have cut me out of her life by not talking to me completely. I knew that it was my fault for keeping tabs on her and I knew it was my actions that still made her see me. Was she forced to talk to me? Was she just talking to me because I was forcing my way into her life again? I'm so selfish! My chest hurt and it felt heavy as I reflected on the things I have done to her. What if by going close to her makes it more difficult for her? What if my presence hurts her? Damn these fucking questions! Why was I thinking these? Everything was good but then when I'm alone and think of the things we have done or I have done to her, it seems like every single action I make does her harm. Why?! I cannot answer these questions alone. I grabbed my phone and punched Biya's number. Before I could even think of any rational conversation I could start with, she answered.
"Hello?" Her voice was soft and hesitant. Just hearing her voice calmed me down.
"Uhm... Hi... Is there something wrong?" She asked slowly and I gripped my phone tightly. There are so many things that were wrong; a year has passed and I still have not moved on from her. What was the reason again that we split up? Oh yeah. Because of my fucking stupidity!
"We're good right?" The question came out of my mouth like a whip and I heard her take a breath before going silent. Fuck! I've done it again.
"Shit. Sorry. Sorry. I should not have asked." I quickly apologized, regretting my impulsive and impatient behavior.
"It's okay, Biya. Don't answer that."
"It's okay Biya. I shouldn't force this out. How are you, by the way?" I tried to change the subject. I heard her sigh heavily and I can imagine her closing her eyes while she does that.
"Emil. It's okay if you ask. This is pretty awkward for the both of us and we don't know what we're doing and where is this taking us." I stayed quiet as she talked, listening intently to what she could say about what's happening between us.
"We're good, Emil. I promise. I have told my family about what had happened and they want to talk to you when you come back here." I swallowed down the nervousness as she mentioned her family.
"Just don't overthink about any of this. It's not good for the both of us."
"Okay." I replied relaxing a bit.
"Okay. Well, I have to go to work now. Bye!"
"Thanks Biya. I- I don't know why I'm like this." I didn't hear her response so I continued.
"Be safe. Good bye."
"Bye." Her last word was spoken softer and I can't help but melt. God! Why do I have to fall for a girl like her; a complex, perfect woman who can take me? Our phone call might be brief but it reassured me nonetheless that we were good. As long as I keep my heart and mouth shut so I won't tell her that I still love her even though we completely have separate lives now, everything will work out fine.

I'm back! Trying to light up the fire again for this story and my love for writing. It's been a long time since I wrote a story and I'm glad that I'm here again for you. Thoughts on this chapter? Comment them down below. Thank you so much for waiting. Love you all!

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