42: The Day I Wore my Armor

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42: The Day I Wore my Armor

Biya's POV

Morning came and the rising sun touched my skin warmly. I stretched my muscles and took in the fresh air in the outskirts of the city. It was peaceful here with the birds singing merrily and yet I know that a storm was coming with its thunder and lightning ready to strike anytime soon. I still feel calm but I know that chaos was just waiting for me to arrive. Vicenzio was still waiting for me out there. He was waiting to strike again but I won't back down. I have people to protect. I have to stand my ground. Elda and I stayed in her house for the night as we took precautions and safety measures once we arrive. We agreed to go directly to the police station to file a report. It's just a little step that will help us through the days to come. We still don't have evidence to prove who Vicenzio was but we're going to find him. Late last night, she had taken two hours to finally convince me to tell my parents what was happening and she was right. I wasn't only protecting myself anymore. People might get hurt because I couldn't back down. That's why I have to talk now before it's too late. Thinking about the people I needed to protect, Emil came into my mind. Was Emil worth the fight? That question hung in the air until I went to sleep last night. Now that I felt fresh and calm, I thought about it again. Was he worth the fight? He's the one connecting the dots here and if I could walk away, no one gets hurt. But then, why was I fighting in the first place? The need to protect my son, my family, my friends and him fueled the desire to fight against an unknown person. I was facing a blank canvas that has hidden traps laid around it but I was ready to fight. Emil had broken my heart but has crawled his way towards me trying to make me forgive him and I did forgive him. I knew that he has changed for the better and he had regretted and learned the mistakes he did. He was now very gentle and for months that I have spent time with him, I knew in my heart he deserved a second chance. He was worth the fight. I had ran away a couple of times from him afraid of the arguments and fights that were going to be hurled against me before and he received those backlashes for me without a doubt. When I was still trying to move on with him, he tried his best to protect me and he never did once try to talk negatively about me in the media. I smiled at the thought of him. Second chances can be given to those who have changed for the better. People often tell others that they will try to change for their loved ones but they won't do it once they are forgiven. Emil, on the other hand, proved to me and everyone else that one must put an effort to not only try but do what he has promised to me. He has gotten back to my life by learning his mistakes. The buzzing of my phone made me snap back from my thoughts and I quickly grabbed it from my pocket. It was a text from Emil.


Good morning, Biya. :)

I couldn't help but smile at his text. It was ironic that I was so bitter about him a year ago and now I was smiling just by receiving a text from him. If someone could have told me that this would happened, I would laugh at the notion. But hey! Time can change people.


Good morning, Emil. How are you? Did you sleep well?


Yes, I did. And you? How are you? Can I come to your place later tonight?

I gripped my phone tight thinking of the consequences of him coming to my place. Vicenzio was powerful and I shouldn't underestimate him. Elda told me that there was a big chance that he wouldn't hurt Emil for he's the reason why he's giving me threats in the first place. If I could just know someone in his workplace, maybe I can find a clue...

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