♪ Chapter 33 ♪

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Hunter's POV

Our plan was complete. In a few hours, we would be halfway to the facility where we suspected Maddy was kept in. Wembley was good but he left some loose ends. Luckily, we managed to drag the information out of them. It was a fun time. 

I was getting dressed in a pair of shorts when Tanner entered our room. "Hey, you're going to want to hear this..." He stated. Glancing at him, I raised an eyebrow. He ignored me and walked out of the door. 

"What is it?" I asked him, shutting the door. 

"Alpha Finn's warriors managed to fish more information out of our prisoners." He replied.

"And what is it they found out?" I asked. He grunted. 

"I think its better for you to hear it from the Alphas." He replied, going quiet. I scratched my jaw. What could have been so bad that he had to make me wait until I reached there? I blinked and sighed softly. Just a little longer and she'll be safe. 

We made our way to the war room which was technically the meeting room before all this chaos happened. When I walked into the room, what greeted me was frowns and sombre faces. I frowned. "What happened?" I cleared my throat, approaching the man who was stood at the head of the table. In my view was his back but I did notice Maddy's father's tense back. 

My eyebrows raised and I glanced around the room. My eyes flickered to my father who shook his head discreetly. My frown deepened. "What is it?" I stated clearly as I approached Alpha Finn.

"Apparently, Madeline's mother is kept at the facility too," Gavin replied. My eyes flickered to his, shock covering my face. "For years, at that." Understanding dawned on me. Maddy's mother was lost to Finn for a long time and for more than half of that, she was right under his nose. 

"What is this facility anyway?" I questioned, looking around. 

"Almost fifty years ago, there was talk of a secret hideaway where werewolves were being experimented on." My father replied, a distant look in his eyes. "The operation was halted by a majority vote under most Alphas, however, what we failed to realise was the place we were told was the facility was a fake. Most of us had just started to run the pack so we hadn't known much details but according to the prisoners, the one behind it all had managed to get out unscathed." 

"How? Surely there would have been records of him clearly stating he did so, no?" I furrowed my brows.

"No. He was low-key. Hell, none of us knew it was him until we found out from the prisoners." dad grit his teeth. 

"Who is he?" I asked.

"The headmaster." My head snapped in the direction of Henry. My eyebrows raised up past my hair. 

"You've got to be joking." I let out a chuckle. "Seriously? He's been in power of the Academy for years." I shook my head. 

"I've had my suspicions for some time," Henry added. I swallowed. Unbelievable. "He used to disappear without telling everyone at least once a month..." he paused. "If you really know him, he's one of the most cunning people I've met." He stared right into my eyes. "Being at a position in which he is, gave him so much opportunity to go by undetected and without any disruption. If you think about it, it's extremely clever." 

"Not to mention, he used to work at the facility," Gavin added. 

"What?" I asked, shocked. "How was he not deemed a suspect?"

"The man locked himself in a cage and said the head researcher kept him there to keep him quiet." Alpha Finn replied. I nodded with a frown. "He was an extremely smart man and with all the tools at his discretion, he was extremely capable of everything." 

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