♪ Chapter 35 ♪

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Hunter's POV

My head snapped back to see Maddy being carried in by a psychotic looking man. I growled. I heard the others do the same. "Maddy!" I heard her mother scream. 

"Oh don't worry, child. She's safe with Jacob," he spoke with a malicious grin. My heart stopped. 

"What do you want with her?" I growled out, my teeth grit together and fists clenched. My whole body was tense. 

"What? An old man can't spend time with his granddaughter?" He smirked. I breathed in sharply. I could hear Gavin muttering curse words while Rian mumbling "What?" to himself. I glanced over to see Maddy's mother in tears and her father snarling at her 'grandfather'. 

"Is that true?" Gavin turned to ask her mother. She hesitated before nodding solemnly. I swallowed. 

"You're sick." I shook my head in disbelief. "She's your own flesh and blood and you kidnap and hurt her." I scoffed, angry. 

"You misunderstand. I do not care for her. Nor do I care for her mother. They are, nothing but pawns to me." He smirked. "It's all in the grand scheme of things." He chuckled. 

"Give her back." Finn snarled out. 

He chuckled lowly. "You always did have a bad temper. But sadly, no. She's much needed in my finishing plans." He gestured bye. "Take care of them." He ordered out before leaving through the door behind him. "Jacob," At that, the man followed behind him, carrying her. 

Exhaling, I shifted. The rest followed suit except for Maddy's mother who wiped her tears. Growling, I charged towards one wolf, knocking him down. My tail swished the wolf, hitting him on his face. The wolf growled but I ignored it and pounced on him, biting his jugular. It was a clean shot. Immediately, he was dead. Spitting out blood and fur, I shook my head, running towards Tanner and Rian who were fighting three wolves. Rian was swift and evading one wolf's attacks while Tanner was growling and blocking from attacks dealt by two wolves. 

Maddy's POV

I woke up lying at the foot of a chair with my hands and legs bound in front of me. Blinking, I realised I was in a very empty room. My eyes caught sight of Jacob at the entrance, staring at me with a smirk on his face. "Aurora is awake, Your Majesty." 

I got up so I was in a sitting position and turned back to see the headmaster sitting behind me on a throne. My eyes widened. "Wh- Where am I?" I asked, wiggling and trying to untie the rope. 

"Don't worry about escaping. You won't be able to anyway." He chuckled darkly. I ignored him and continued anyway, glaring at him. 

"Why am I here?" I grit my teeth.

"You are a hostage right now." He raised an eyebrow at me trying to loosen the rope on my legs. 

"Why? What do you want that requires a hostage?" I asked suspiciously, still pulling at the rope. "You could have easily taken down all the packs with your little army," I muttered.

"I could have. But where is the fun in war, dear one?" He smirked. I furrowed my brows. Didn't most greedy men like war?

"Why are you doing this?" I frowned. 

He smirked. "Didn't your mother explain it all to you?"

"No. We were busy." I licked my dry parched lips. 

"Hmm." He grinned. "Years ago, I was stripped off my title of the crown prince." He started, leaning back on his chair. My eyebrows raised past my hairline. Prince? I'd laugh if I wasn't bound like a prisoner.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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