things i wanted to say but didn't (1)

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"Then don't. Just stay with me." 

When you said that, my heart picked up in speed. Although, I know you meant it differently. 

"I'll follow you."

You're not allowed to follow me! You need to stay here.. you need to stay alive, with or without me. 

"We stay together." 

"You and me. One does not get to leave without the other." 

"I'll only stay if you do, you don't get to leave me!" 

"You'll be taking me too." 

"I'll follow you."

 "You go, so will I. I'll be right after you." 

"Stay with me, don't leave." 

"We go down together!" 

"We had a deal that we'd stay together." 

... I want us together, but not the same way you want.. You want me here, not here and with you. So why do you keep saying together?

That word.. together..


"I need you." 

Do you? Would you really have nothing else here? You couldn't live without me? Oh, is that true? No, because you have them.. and you have her.. you'll do just fine without me. 

"Fine." I said. "Looks like you're stuck with me.. because.. we're together." 


.."together" will die, with me.


anyone else just need a lot of chocolate after that?

and peanut butter..

and chocolate milk.

excuse me while i go eat my feelings. :)

-belle <3

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