it started with a football game

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soz.. just a small prep, this is kinda long.. :)


I have never been one to enjoy sports. It is not that jocks irritate me or that I am not fond of getting sweaty, I am just terrible at sports and am incapable of being athletically inclined. I only joined volleyball in the beginning of the year to stay fit, then the private league volleyball club in the fall for the same reason: and because mom wants me to be sporty. Besides that, I like to stick to my fine arts department, it is like my second home. My individuality seeps through my curtain of insecurities and it is appreciated there.

So it was no surprise that I would be forced to go to the football game tonight. Yeah, yeah sure, high school memories, it is my freshman year, support the school. As much as I would love to be around loud, sweaty, and intimidating upperclassmen, with a side of a hotdog water and body order aroma. I think my Spotify playlist and a good book will do just fine for me tonight. Though, I do not think that is the case.

"Come on! Get up, get dressed!" Elisia yells, yanking the blanket from my body to reveal my bright yellow pajama shorts. Allowing the cold air to kiss my bare legs.

"Elisia!" I groan, squirming in search of heat. "Was that necessary?!"

"Extremely." Elisia tosses the blanket to the floor and travels to my closet, sliding the wooden oak door open and scanning through the remainder of what is hanging. Considering what used to be up now lives on the floor. has been a rough few weeks, I slip out of the clothes, into my jammies, and slither myself under the covers. It is routine, it will not be changed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, closing my book and sitting up stretching a bit.

She scrolls through a few more hangers before answering, "It is a pink out tonight. Where are your pinkity thingies?"

I raise an eyebrow. "My.. pinkity thingies?" Elisia gives me an impatient look and I sigh. "I don't know. I have a long sleeved shirt somewhere in there, but El.. we have been over this. I don't-"

"Oh come on, Quinn." She interrupts. "Admit that you do want to come to the football game."

"I genuinely do NOT want to go to this football game." I swing my legs off the bed and walk to my desk where I left my phone charging.

"But the entire school is going!"

Unplugging my phone and unlocking it, I shift my attention to Elisia. "Thank you for pointing out one of the major reasons why I would really not like to go."

She grunts in frustration and continues to raid my closet, determined to find something pink in there. I am surprised she has not already. I guess it is really time I do my laundry..

I keep to myself as I see a notification appear on my phone. A familiar face covers my screen after I had opened the snap he had sent me. Yes, I met a boy. We talk.. nothing to get excited over. Reading the text on the snap, I felt a tingling sensation in my fingertips and toes, meaning I am excited but anxious. He asked if I would be at the game tonight. Well, it is not that him being concerned about my presence changes how I feel about attending this event. I just let my mind create scenarios as if I were to go and hang out with him for parts of the night.

My eyes shift from my screen to Elisia, still on a mission. Half her body has disappeared into the depths of my closet and she struggles to keep her balance.

Her muffled voice interrupts my observation. "HA!! I found it!!" Elisia resurfaces from the sea of Quinn-Clothing. A light baby pink blouse in one hand and dark navy jeans in the other. It is now that I take a look at Elisia. Her dirty blonde hair is curled into pretty beach waves and she is wearing a bright pink romper that shows off her legs. Her small tan purse slings over her body and hangs low on her hip, sort of shaping her in a way. To finish it off, she has on a pair of nude open toed strapy heels. Elisia always finds a way to look amazing. Me and my yellow shorts are living our best lives too though so..

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