Chapter Five

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Yoongi had been gone for about four hours now which didn't bother the older much seeing as the male also had a life.

It gave Taehyung enough time to complete the weeks work that he had missed out on doing as he was decorating the younger's bedrooms.

It was a bold move of him with going out of his way with creating that little room in his home, but he was glad that the boy liked it.

He had managed to complete all of his work by the time Yoongi was stumbling back into the house.

Taehyung was in the kitchen when the younger arrived home, so when he heard the door opening he left the kitchen to greet the boy.

But instead of greeting him he was greeted to a fairly drunk Yoongi trying to make his way towards the stairs.

"Yoongi?" Taehyung said, looking at the boy who turned to look at him.

Their eyes met each other and they stood there for about a minute until the younger broke it, a grin forming on his little face as he let out an excited slur of "Daaaady!" 

The older just looked at the boy, his eyebrow raised "Are you drunk angel?"

"What? Me? Drunk? Well I never," the younger exclaimed, hand on his heart as he pouted at the male before giggling "Yes I am."

With a sigh the male shook his head, walking towards the younger "You're going to regret this in the morning."

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders "S'kay 'cause Yoongs had fun," he slurred with a smile.

Taehyung nodded, wrapping an arm around the younger so that he could help him up to his bedroom "I'm glad you had fun Yoongs, now lets get you to bed okay?"

"But Yoongs not tired, Yoongs wants to play!" He said, looking up at the male "Can Yoongs play daddy? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" He asked, his eyes sparkling in the hallway light as a pout formed on the boys lips.

The male only shook his head "You can play in the morning," he replied not giving into the drunk little "Now lets get you to bed."

The younger only whined but clung onto the older as he followed him up the stairs and into his bedroom, the pout still on his lips.

Taehyung helped get the boy changed into some loose clothing to sleep in before he was finally tucking him in his bed, a small smile on his lips as he looked at the tired and drunken male.

He crouched down beside the boy, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he whispered "Night angel," with a smile before he stood up getting ready to leave but he was soon stopped by a small cry.

"Don't leave me daddy," the younger cried, his little hand catching the older's wrist as he looked up at him with sad eyes.

And not being able to resist those sad eyes he nodded his head "Alright angel," he said which automatically brought a smile to the little's lips.

Quickly he removed his clothes so that he was in his boxers, not comfortable enough to sleep in his suit before he slipped under the covers next to the boy.

His eyes fell shut but it wasn't long before they were opening when he felt the boys head resting against his chest while one of his arms laid across his stomach.

This brought a smile to Taehyung's lips, his arms wrapping around the younger as he hugged him close to his chest while he pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

"G'night daddy," the younger mumbled against the older's chest.

"Goodnight angel," he replied with a smile.

Yes what these two are doing right now is a little intimate for two people who have only really just met, for two people who barely know each other.

Yes it was rather idiotic for Yoongi to accept Taehyung's offer to move in with him straightaway when they only just met, because for all the younger knows this man might be a serial killer.

And for all Taehyung know's Yoongi could also be a serial killer yet he wanted the male with him and under his care so that he could care for him.

Very stupid really, but these two didn't know this just yet but they were destined to be together. Their lives had been planned out by the fates every since they were brought into this world.

But for now their relationship will just be caregiver and little, but would that relationship really last? Well typically yes it will, like said they were destined for each other.

But there are two obstacles that they're going to have to undergo when the the time comes, two obstacles which can either break the relationship to come or strengthen them.

Yes, they aren't together but even the two of them can feel a connection for each other. A connection that both of them didn't want to admit.

This is typically too early for a relationship to begin, but with this generation it seems that you can just get with someone within the first few days of knowing them.

That's not going to happen here, this is just the beginning. This is the process of two people figuring out their feelings for one another.

This is the process of a little and caregiver relationship, this is the relationship which is going to determine their future.

Can they both deal with this relationship with each other? Yes it's going to be hard, Yoongi can misbehave quite a bit but doesn't most little's?

But Taehyung hasn't had a little for a long time, so long that he has to build himself up for the upcoming tantrums and arguments with his new little.

However this is honestly the easy part, they will survive this part of the beginning of their future relationship.

It's only the two obstacles which are to come their way which will truly determine whether they truly are right for each other like the fates have planned.

But not all fated relationships work out, so will their relationship truly work out or will it begin to crumble and break them away from each other?

These are the questions which be answered as time goes on, but will they be the correct answer or will the answer be incorrect?

All in due time, these answers will be answered and everyone will find out.

Let's just hope it's the answers we want it to be.

Will Taehyung and Yoongi last?

Or will it come to a disastrous end?


I hope this made sense.

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