18 small tragedy

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After talking for a bit more dean offers to drop me home since its still raining. I get a lift from him and thank his. Just as I enter the apartment buildings I see harrison in the foyer. "oh hey baby" he says an comes over to me. he hugs me and places a quick peck on my lips. "hiiii" I say and he laughs and pulls me away from him. We have a quick chat about how our days were and he tells me he's just popping off to the shops to get some groceries. "how about I pick you up ‪at 6pm‬?" he asks and I nod. "sounds good, I'll see you then" I say and we part ways. I get up to my room and unlock it and look down at my phone which has just gone off. I see that its from dean.

D - you and harrison are cute
E - did you see?
D - the whole thing
E - ughhh
D - have a good night with him. He'll treat you well

once i get into my apartment, the time hits 4. two hours until i'm going out with harrison. i pick out a pair of plaid pants and a long sleeved crop sweater and put them aside. not knowing what to do between now and then, i just sit on the couch on my phone. time passes by in a flash and next minute it's 5:45.

i get chnaged and put a bit of make up on. i don't really know how to do make up but i put on some foundation and mascara and a few other bits and bobs. as if on cue of me finishing, there's a knock on my door and it's harrison. "hey, come in" i say and he walks in and gives me a hug. "you look beautiful " he says and i smile. "thanks. you don't tidy up too bad yourself" i say and he chuckles. "i'll just be two seconds" i say and rush into my room to grab my boots. "sorry, i was meant to be ready and organised but i-" i start to say and harrison cuts me off. "it's fine el, don't worry" he says and gives me a small smile. "but i'm ready now!" i say and jump out. "come on then, the night is waiting for us" he says and kisses me lightly. i grabs a hold of my hand and he walk out after locking my apartment up.

"soooo where are we going?" i ask and he shakes his head. "that's for me to know and you to find out" he says and i laugh.

we end have having a really lovely dinner at a small restaurant down tama way. the rain stops but the clouds still hang over sydney unfortunately. we take a quick walk along the beach then head back to our apartments. "do you want to stay tonight?" he asks me. "i would love to but i have to head back sorry" i tell him. "that's okay, i'll see you tomorrow though right?" he asks and i nod. "you sure will. thank you for tonight, i loved every minute" i say and he smiles.

"anything for you darling. i love you" he says then pecks my lips once more. "i love you more" i say and we say goodbye to each other.

once i'm in my room i get changed into a bralette and shorts and tidy my apartment. it's a complete mess and i need to do a heap of laundry as well ughhh. i chuck a load on now and i'll hang it out in the morning. i decide to call mum while i tidy my bedroom, killing two birds with one stone. i end up chatting to her for about half an hour and telling her about maxi. and obviously not mentioning anything about harrison.

she brings up the topic of my dad which is unusual because she never really mentions him. "el, he's been in a car crash" she says and i gasp. "is he okay!?" i exclaim. "i don't know, i'm not sure how serious it is" she says. i ask her what more she knows but all she knows is that he's in hospital. i tell her i'm going to call him now and i do so. i don't have any hope of him picking up but he does. "hello it's julie, ron's partner" a woman says and i gasp. he has a partner?! "hi uh um this is elyse, his daughter" "oh elyse, it's nice to finally speak with you. i've heard so many good things about you! how are you?" she asks me. she sounds lovely. "yeah um uh i'm good thanks, how are you?" "not too bad. i'm guessing you want an update on your dad?" she asks me. "yes please".

she tells me absolutely everything about the crash and how he is. apparently he's in a stable condition with a couple of broken bones, some gashes and cuts and lots of bruising. we end up speaking on the phone for almost and hour. we tell each other about our lives and she finds out a lot about me. i ask her about their relationship and i tell her that i had no idea that dad had a partner. she is honestly the sweetest person and is so easy to talk to. "well i better head off, it's late over here" i chuckle. "no problem, it was so lovely talking to you and i hope i can meet you someday soon" after dealing number and saying goodbye i hang up.

harrison reid // maxi // bondi rescueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora