37 ... uh oh

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"miss reid, we have found what's wrong and unfortunately it's not good. you are perfectly healthy and you have done nothing at all wrong. i just need you to know that this is not your fault. but your wee one in there has died" she says and i gasp. "no..." i say quietly. she comforts me for a minute and then i ask her more about what happened.

they can't find out exactly what has happened yet but they say it's something to do with the way the heart was developed and it didn't go right.

"we actually examined the unltrasound further and it looked as if there was a second baby growing but they're not going to survive. i'm so sorry" she says and i just sit there sobbing.

"we will give you a pill in the next few minutes for you to have. about two hours afterwards we will come and help you sort out the next step of removing them" she says. i thank her and she reassured me that everything is going to be okay.

as soon as she leaves i call harrison. he picks up on the second ring and asks for any developments. "H, you need to come as soon as possible" i say and i can tell he's panicking. "el... what's happened!?" he exclaims. "it's the baby. i-it's died" i tell him quietly into the phone and i start crying. those two baby's inside my stomach and no longer going to be around. "baby, are you serious?" he asks me. "i'm serious harrison" "look, ill be there as soon as possible. i can't get off now but i'll be there soon. i'll text you when i leave" he says in a semi panicked voice but i can tell he's trying to stay calm and not stress me out. "okay, i - i'll see you later " i say with shakiness in my voice. "i love you more than anything el. stay strong" he say and it makes me smile a little bit. "love you, see you later" i say and we hang up.

as soon as i hang up i head back up to where hoppo is and he asks who it was. "uh, elyse" i tell him and sit down in the chair next to him. "how's she doing?" "she's in hospital " i tell him straight up and he gasps. "harrison! what's wrong with her?! is she okay?" he exclaims. it takes me a minute to reply and i shake my head no. i feel tears come to my eyes thinking about the fact that we aren't having children anymore. "mate, what's up?" he asks seeing that i'm about to cry. "she's been having awful cramps and headaches a- and we aren't having kids anymore. it died" i say and hops mouth drops open. "you're kidding" he says and i shake my head. "harrison, i'm so sorry for you two" he says and hugs me. "you two were so excited. you would have been amazing parents" he says and i smile at the thought of us someday having kids running around. "but seriously, why aren't you with her?" he asks and i shrug. "i'm at work, can't leave" i say and he shakes his head. "me and reidy will be fine, go check on her and be there with her H" he says and minutes later i'm at the hospital walking down the corridors to find her.


i had the pull about 15 minutes ago and nothing changed. except i haven't had a cramp in the past 20 minutes so that's a good sign. as i snuggle up into the side of the bed and bring my legs up to my chest i hear someone knock on the door. "yea" i say unsure of who it is and harrison pops his head around. "baby" he says and rushes over to me and embraces me in a hug. "shhhh" he says and try's to calm me down. "tell me everything" he says after i stop crying and i do so - everything in as much detail as i can. "shhhh, it's okay love" he says and kisses the top of my head. "don't worry okay? we'll try again. it's fine elyse" he reassured me and i smile. "i really wanted kids" i say and he agrees. "we would have had twins as well" he adds and i chuckle at the thought of that. "imagine that. you ask for one and you get two" i say and he laughs.

after the doctors come and remove the baby from me we are realeased and both harrison and i head home at 8:30pm. once we walk inside i just feel like sleeping "come on love, let's get you into bed" he says. we walk over to our room and i get changed as harrison goes and takes a shower. i snuggle into bed and i think about everything that's happened today. thinking of it, tears form in my eyes and i'm crying again and letting out soft little whimpers.

my hair is a total mess and i haven't even removed my make up. harrison come back and hears me crying. "baby" he says and kisses me on the forehead. "wait two seconds" he says and changes into some shorts. he makes sure the front door is locked then comes and snuggles next to me.

"i feel like i failed" i tell him. "elyse, you did not fail. if anything you should be proud of yourself. you did everything in your control to keep those babies healthy. it was none of your fault baby" he says and tilts my chin up so i'm looking at him. "i love you so incredibly much elyse. you're my everything" he says and kisses me. i kiss back weakly and he can tell i'm not in the mood for any of that.

i just wanna sleep and cry.

harrison reid // maxi // bondi rescueWhere stories live. Discover now