42 everything goes the wrong way

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this morning i awake to harrison not beside me and no crying baby. i woke up twice in the night, harrison looked after parker once and i did the other time. harrisons popped of to work today. he's got a long shift today, 6-6, a full 12 hour shift.

but harrison wants me to bring parker into the tower so he can meet the guys. he's only met hoppo and grace but no one else yet. they've been asking but every time they've asked i've been busy or parker's been sleeping or some other reason. but today's the day where it's all going to change! i don't think anyone except hoppo knows i'm coming in today so it'll be a really really nice surprise for them all after a long day.

i don't have a very great day. everything kinda went the wrong way. not that it was terrible but ya know when life decides to make everything a little more difficult for you then usual? yeah. that's what happened to me today. every task like doing the dishes and vacuuming just went wrong.

like i did the vacuuming but then parker threw his food onto the carpet which i had to clean up and then later on i spilt apple juice down the couch and carpet. then with the dishes i managed to spill water all down the cupboard and form a small puddle on the floor. and then water got down my sleeves and that felt horrible. and my really comfy and favourite clothes were all in the wash so i was left with yuck old clothes. so i put a load of washing on but the machine kept stopping and beeping so i just hand washed the rest and chucked them in the dryer. and we had no chicken left for my salad for lunch so it was a yuck as salad and i only ended up eating a few mouthfuls. i also made cookies because we had none left but i forgot to put the baking powder in and they sunk. ughhhh

i just can't win.

at about 2 i get a text from hoppo.

i hope you're still coming today, the boys need something to cheer them up😂 i've put jesse, harrison and reidy in tower. i'm sure once someone radios the rest of the guys they'll come flooding in 😉 see you later

haha thanks! i'll come about 4ish, once you're all finished if that's okay?

come anytime! it's not very busy so you're welcome anytime!

okay well maybe i'll come about 3, i'll text you when i leave anyways

okay sounds good! can't wait to see u and parker!

hehe i'll see ya later!

bye el :)

after texting harrison that i'll pop around at about three, i slowly start getting ready. parker is asleep so i grab his car seat and chuck it in the car. i pack together a bag with some baby food, milk, nappies, a spare change of clothes and some shoes. i get together some food for myself and a spare top in case he decides to throw up on me. yum.

once it hits 3:45 i wake him up and get him dressed and changed. i change into my favourite black shorts and a long sleeve grey sports top. it's kinda sunny out so i grab my hat and sunnies before grabbing parker and heading out.

i find a park kinda far away which is a shame. i chuck my bag over my shoulder and pick parker up and carry him over to the tower. there's no point in grabbing a pram or anything because the guys will be holding him the whole time anyways.

i knock on the door once i get close and of course hoppo opens it. "el! you made it" he says and gives me a quick hug then looks at parker. "hello little bud" he says and shakes his hand. "ELYSE" i hear someone yell and hoppo and i walk inside. within seconds i see jesses head and he sees me with parker. "oh my god" he says and races towards us. i hand his parker and he cuddles him very very gently surprisingly. "elyse, i had no idea you were coming" he says and hugs me while holding parker. "well surprise" i say pulling away.

i see reidy and harrisons heads pop up and i wander up the stairs with jesse following. "el, it's been a while!" reidy says and i smile and hug him. "hasn't it just" i say and he laughs. i hug harrison and say a quick hello. we watch jesse cuddle and play with parker which i'm not sure if he's enjoying as he isn't interacting and playing with jesse too much.

"why don't you radio the guys el" hoppo suggests and i smile. "what do you want me to tell them?" "just say tower to rhinos, urgent meeting in the tower. and they'll recognise your voice and race up here" he says and i laugh. i find hops radio and radio the guys and sure enough we see two rhinos racing towards the tower. it is kinda bad not having anyone down at the water but reidy and hoppo have gone back to keeping an eye on the water so they'll keep doing that for a bit.

without warning the door bursts open giving everyone a big fright and making parker cry. we all look at maxi who has come running in and we give him a disapproving look as a joke. i look to where parker and jesse are and i think parker kinda likes jesse now as he's huddled into jesses shoulder and crying softly because of maxi scaring him. "maxi you idiot" jesse says quietly but harshly to maxi and we all laugh. "sorry". maxi whispers and runs up to parker.

soon enough all the guys arrive and parker gets passed around for the next fifteen minutes. some of the guys who i haven't really met before head back down to the beach cause they're less interested in the baby. but the likes of maxi, jesse, harrison, max, deano and jake all stay up here.

harrison reid // maxi // bondi rescueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora