CHAPTER 2: Does she even have a talent? She can recognize fake Louboutins...

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"No, you don't get it... oh God. My eyes..." Maddie says as she flutters her eyes and fans her face exaggeratedly.

"Yes I know but believe me- "

"No! I can't believe you... I thought he likes me..." Maddie cries more as she cuts me off with her talks.

"Madison Woods! I'm telling you he didn't sleep with anyone... last night that is." I deadpan at her.

She stares at me with a dumbfounded look on her tear-stricken face and for a while, I thought I've reached to her until she proves me wrong by crying even louder.

"Goodness gracious," I mutter to myself as I see the sight of this girl I call my best friend. Madison and I have been together ever since grade 4 when I punched some guy who tried to slap her ass.

No shit, I actually did punch him and then my parents were called... and yes. That's what happened.

"You're supposed to be helping me, not making me cry more." She says as she dabs her tissue on her mascara-spread eyes.

"But I'm just stating the obvious. Look, I'm tired of telling you but I'll just say it for the last time. Aaron is a playboy. He won't bother with any girl he hooks up with. Maddie, I care about you, alright? Just try and listen to me. Don't get your heart broken by him, Maddie." I softly say to her for like I don't know, the hundredth time or what. I didn't blame her though. My brother's a fucking player and I still regret why I haven't ever taken the initiative to talk to him about Maddie.

"It's not hard to forget okay." She says as she sniffles and wipes her tears completely, removing her make up in the process.

"Don't worry, bitch. We'll definitely find someone else for you." I wink at her from the mirror.

"Summer... stop calling everyone a bitch. And no, news flash. I still like Aaron." She says as she carefully does her mascara again.

That thing can literally swipe down your eye. What if an earthquake occurs and then you just poke your eye? Damn girls, that's why I say it's not sensible to do all this. Just keep your damn eyes the way they are. Do you really think you were born with a fucking cat liner on your eyes?

"Whatever. You need to move on."

"Oh please. Look at you. Have you even dated a single boy till now?"

Ugh. No. No. No. No. No.

I vowed never to reach this topic. Stupid Maddie.

Look, it was true I had never dated anyone in my life. 7th grade, I tried kissing Harry Collins during a game of spin the bottle but his jealous girlfriend came and ripped me off him.

Literally ripped me off by my hair. I thank God that no chunk of hair came out that night.

Next up, I kissed this Ryan I-don't-know-his-surname guy during prom which turned out to be a disaster when I accidentally pushed the punch bowl off the table since I thought my phone rang. You could imagine it was just Jason asking where the fucking remote was kept.

No doubts on all thoughts I've had of killing him in his sleep.

So as Maddie here is taunting me, I'm a total disaster. I could never even think about dating. Hell dating is far... just the thought of having a boy in my life. My brothers are enough to scar my mind and ears every single day.

Trust me, I've had to listen and see some of the grossest things worse than in the Guinness Book of World Records.

"Shut up. We are talking about you clearly." I say as I pull open the washroom door and walk out with Maddie right behind me. I wonder what I had right now.

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