CHAPTER 21: Stupid high-pitched vocals

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We all must have been guilty of stereotyping many people one point or another in life. We've all had particular pointing views toward people just because our judgmental eyes decided that based on looks, appearance, first impressions, words, actions, etc. Most of them are always wrong, let me tell you. A few meetings or even ages later, you realize you've had it all wrong. That the person you stereotyped could be sweet enough to care for you. That the person you stereotyped could be caring to run after you when you cry. That person would now become a thought stuck on your mind, feeding on your wild imaginations.

I'm already off track, aren't I?

Yeah. No. Okay, fine I'm talking about Caleb. The guy's haunted my mind ever since that night last week. I don't know why his friendship offer and words are still crystal clear in my head. I know I am right where I stand when I say that Caleb and I are totally different people of different cliques and people like Veronica will always push on to be a nuisance.

But that one simple thought – "simple" – that nags me all the damn time saying that maybe, just maybe, I should be nice enough to Caleb after he did the same to me.

Then there's that huge beeping red light saying, "NO, SUMMER, NO!". That I absolutely cannot go forward with that stupid idea in my head.

Caleb has surely trapped me in a quandary.

I scoff and roll my eyes at my behavior. Standing alone in the locker room with thoughts of Caleb running in my mind isn't typical me. This would have been beyond the bounds of possibility a few weeks back when I met Caleb but now... it's something that is snatching the tranquility of my mind. Something definitely happening.

I hesitate to go for practice today but I know Coach will kill me if I skip. He still had a pretty good reason and chance to kick me out considering all the unorthodox views on me joining the boys' soccer team. Speaking of, the comments and the strange looks have been recently stopping which is good but you know, the occasional chatter and gossip would never stop thanks to the tattletales around.

I tie my cleats tight, breathing calmly as I get out, and walk off normally toward the crowd that was gathering around Coach. After the usual lecture about hard work and shit like that, we split into small groups and the usual talking begins. My eyes don't spot Caleb anywhere and before you think of any nonsense, no it's not like that. I just want to explain myself a little more and also apologize to him. I have no idea whether it will be accepted or not since I'm in no position to still consider his friendship.

I'm not rude or unappreciative or anything like that. I just don't want Veronica to come after me with her golden dagger. My sensitive and hurtful emotions regarding my family are protected quite well within me and I have no intention of revealing that to the damn world. Caleb will have to understand that or else there is really no point in even explaining anything to him.

"You okay, Summer?" I look at an already sweaty and shirtless Shawn standing close to Blake and Austin. I smile softly at their concern and nod. I wasn't angry at them; they obviously were helpless that night. Plus, Veronica's threat to Blake was surely not empty. Speaking of, I'll have to ask Blake what all that was about.

"We're sorry we couldn't- "

"Shut up. It's not your fault she's a bitch, okay?" I cut Austin off while he was talking, "Actually, it's mine. I should've stood up to her. I know I keep talking about facing her angrily one day but all that came shattering down on me that night. I was weak." I look down and try to not remember Veronica's words.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's not your fault, Summer. Veronica's stupid to have done that and she's not escaping it. You're strong and we believe none of that was true. Whatever shit that was shooting out of her mouth. I guess some guy refused to take her sex offer and her hormones acted all jumpy on you." Shawn and the other two snicker and high five each other. Only Shawn could bring in a sexual innuendo when needed.

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