CHAPTER 23: Wine is my favorite way of eating grapes

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A whack.

No effect.

Double whack.

No effect.

A kick and a punch.

I still love my eyelids, Maddie.

I do admit that I'm half-awake due to Maddie's good but still not effective waking up techniques. But my sleep still pulls me down on the bed I am and the blanket I'm draped in cozily.

But...the high-pitched Mariah Carey scream that followed next...was well ear-piercing.


I groan and turn around to see Maddie flaunting her evil grin which was perfectly reflected by the black crop top she is dressed in. Knowing she won't give up on trying her very best to get me out of bed, I sit up straight and rub my eyes.

"Why am I not even surprised that you aren't awake?" Maddie starts off ranting and looking at me with strictness in her eyes. I shake my head and bend a little, my hand reaching for the treasure under my bed. I pull out a wine bottle and grin.

"Look at the time- Summer! What the hell? Why do you have...a wine bottle under your...bed?" She looks at me with horrified eyes and I simply shrug, opening the bottle and taking a sip.

"This is my breakfast in bed, Maddie."

"But...but...but...Summer!" she screams and startles me, causing some wine to spill on my oversized t-shirt. Thank god not my sheets or blanket.

"Stupid Maddie!" I glare at her and she tries snatching the bottle out of my hand but I quickly stand on top of the bed and give her a sarcastic smile.

"I thought breakfast was something like pancakes, waffles, fruits, coffee, and blah blah blah. Doesn't that make your mouth water?"

"Mm. Let me think about it...NO! This is the perfect breakfast I could wish for." I smile at my bottle, even though I'm aware of how deranged I look, and take a huge sip from it.

"No, no, no, no. Ugh. I was supposed to come here and find you dressed with your bags all ready for a holiday mood. Little did I expect a sleepy ass girl already planning to get drunk and ruin that simple holiday ambiance I wanted." She narrows her eyes at me and says, crossing her tiny arms on her chest.

"One, it's not a holiday. Get your head out of it. Two, you know I can never get drunk on wine. Unless we are talking about four to five bottles here. Ah. Splendid."

"Ah. Splendid." She mocks me by trying to imitate my voice, "My ass, splendid-

"It's not." I grin and jump on the other side because she was about to push me down.

"Shut up! Summer! Please, please, please leave that wine bottle and go freshen up. You look like a wreck." Maddie stands up and takes off her bandana.

I look at the mirror, grimace for a second and then shrug. "I'm always like this, darling. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to brush." I begin walking to my bathroom before Maddie unexpectedly stops me.

"With the wine? Give me that." She tries snatching the bottle out of my hands but I whine and pull it back like a child.

"No! I'll enjoy that during my bath." I smile and tell her.

"Summer, you don't have a bathtub. And that's definitely not for the shower I know." She gives me a don't-mess-with-me-right-now look and I sadly hand in the bottle.


"Good. You're abnormal. Normal people eat fruits to be healthy. And you're hell-bent on becoming unhealthy. Does Coach know you have a wine addiction even?" She asks me as she walks off to put the wine bottle. I grab my brush and start off brushing just as Maddie walks back in the room.

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