15. Change

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** Matt Pov **

"You look fine, were just going to meet the pastor not the president, okay" I walked up our room to see what she was up to.

Most of her things have been moved to my house since we are getting married soon.

I opened the door.

Her shoes and clothes are thrown at my bed.

I peeked at the bathroom she trying on another dress.

"Matt, please leave" she blushes and closed the door.

I opened the door, again.

She wearing a maroon sundress that stops at her feet, and has her hair laying down.

I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You know, if he asks about our intimacy relationship" I inhaled her scent.

She shivers.

"I will say that I make passion love to my soon to be wife, every morning and nights." I grinned at her.

"Matt, you can't say that, it's inappropiate" she punches me on the chest.

Causing me to lose balance a bit.

"I'm just joking, let's go, before we are really late" I said for the 100th time.

"alright, I'm coming" She followed me downstairs.

** Becky Pov **

"Ms. brooks, how are you" said reverend kennedy. We shook hands.

"and who might this young man by?" he looks at the person behind me.

"This is my fiaance, matt, we are getting married in a few weeks" I mentioned.

Matt raised his hand and greeted him.

We all sat down.

"Before I start I would like to congratulate the two of you" he says.

"marriage is a wonderful thing, we all want to find someone to settle down with"

"Sadly, most marriage fails because of disagreement, lack of guidance,

unsatisfied emotional and physicaly, and much more, are you prepared for that"  he continued.

"Pastor kennedy. I love her. I've seen the way my parents were with each other,

I want that with becky" he says and squeezed my hand.

The pastor seems to approve.

"Okay, are you two equality yoked" pastor kennedy asks.

"We haven't--" we said in unison.

"I meant spiritual, mr.leonardo?" he asks again.

I looked at matt, he looks uncomfortable.

I really can't answer that for him.

"I grew up in a Christian home, but after my father death. I was really in a bad place.

I just did want I wanted  and I pulled away from God. But I believe that God brought her to me, for the good" he finally says with a smile.

"Thank the Lord, for bringing the two of you to together. There will be tough time but with God you can accomplish anything"

"If there's anything you need feel free to come by" he eyed the two of us.

"Oh one more thing, I have you two been intimate together...as in" he trails off.

"Oh no! Pastor I haven't, I'm still..you know" I blushed.

"And you Mr. Leonardo" reverend Kennedy added.

"Well, I'm fully experienced in that area, but becky and I haven't done anything...yet" he answered with a smile.

Oh gosh, this couldn't get anymore embarrassing.

"I guess we're done here" reverend Kennedy says as he closes his binder.

"See you next Sunday" he walked us out the church.

We got into the car, Matt put his head down at the wheel.

"There's something I have to tell you, about my father death" he glanced at me.

"I- I was only 18, when it happens I know I should have listen to him, but I- It's all my fault" his voice breaks.

"I was driving fast...he told me to slow down. When I did it was too late a car came, and hit us"

"Everyone got out alive, except him. I caused his death, becky" he finally faces me and cry.

"That why I drank, slept with women, I did things to take the guilt out. I even stopped speaking Italian, Because every little thing remind me of him"

Oh God, please tell me the right words to speak.

I hugged him tightly.

"Matt, look at me" he does so.

"Everything happens for a reason, and you're father is in a better place. Baby, God loves you so much more than you can ever imagine. You're are forgiven, he died on the cross for you, babe" I kissed his cheeks.

"Thank you for just being here for me. I feel much better now" he gives me a weak smile and pecks my lips.

"Um, can you drop me over Janelle's house. The bridesmaids and I are meeting there for a dress fitting"

"And of course my parents are coming tonight, can you pick them up for me" I say running my hands through his hair.

"Of course babe, and John emailed that he will make it our wedding, but you can't tell Janelle he wants to surprise her" he murmured as he drove.

"I'm serious, becky" he glanced at me.

"Okay, okay I won't tell her. and I will be back by 8pm" I got off his car.

I see Janelle at the front porch.

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Vote vote vote!! I lovee Jesus!! Lol Yea I just wanted to say that. And I'm also working on "Finding you" chapters so STAY STUNED!! for two updates. Once again thank you for being awesome guys<333 Vote comment share!!

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