21. First Time For Everything

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** Matt Pov **

I came back from the store. I found my beautiful wife curled up in bed. She was making facial expressions in her sleep.

"Sweetheart, wake up" I shook her lightly.

"Mhmm" she peeked at me sleepily with one slightly open.

"I made Chicken Alfredo," I said.

"Did you buy chocolate?" she stretched her body on the bed.

she had gray sweatpants and a dark blue hoodie.

"Yes, I did. They're Perugino milk chocolate truffles. They are not Hershey bars..but.." I showed her the bag.

I've never shopped things for any women.

I just hope she likes them.

"Thanks, babe. Give a minute" she excuse herself to use the bathroom.

She came back and took the chocolate bag.

"Mhmm..It's good" she tries one.

"Alright, lets go eat" I carried her out of the bed. She wraps her arms around my neck for balance.

"You're spoiling me. I can walk you know" she says on our way downstairs.

"I don't mind, besides you're not feeling well" I put her down when we got to the dining room.

We sat down and said grace.

"are we still going to visit you're grandparents today?" She asks.

"When you feel better, we will" I answered.

I decided to wait until becky was feeling better to visit them.

"I'm fin--ow!" she puts a hand below her stomach.

"See. That why I want you to stay home" I advice her.

We finished eating. I helped help with dishes. I went upstairs to take a shower. When I came back, she was looking at the DVD cabinet.

"Let's watch titanic!" she held up the DVD case.

"Whatever, you want love" I sat on the couch. We cuddled together. She lays her head on my chest.

After hours of watching the movie. We were at the scene where jack decided to freeze to death.

While rose lays comfortably on the door frame or whatever that kept her from drowning.

I gotta admit that true love.

I saw becky wiping down her tears.

"What are wrong love?" I asked.

"T-They had room for two" she sniffles.

I nodded.

"Would you do that for me, babe?" she sat up to face me.

"Of course babe" I put her back in my arms. I knew my wife was having hormonal changes. But I meant it.

I will do anything for her.

Celion dion "my heart will go on" was on. I gazed down at becky. She was asleep.

That was fast.

I turned off the tv and carried her to our bed. I changed into my boxers only. I prayed and joined her to bed.

3 days later

"Mother nature is out!" she announced coming out of the bathroom with a silk maroon robe.

"That means we can.." I put an arm around her back and went lower.

Opposite AttractsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang