26. The Unknown

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** Amy Adams Pov **

"You did the right thing," the man tells me.

"Yea, whatever" I scowled at the man. It didn't take long until reporters. Ambulance. and the police at the scene.

They untangle the damaged car by parts to remove matt and his wife out of there safely.

I watched as the ambulance drove off leaving me with the policemen.

"Are you Ms. Adams?" The policemen took few glances at me then continue to write on his small notepad.

"We are going to take you to our headquarter for questioning, ma'am" he placed the notepad on back pocket uses his other hand to get the handcuffs.

"You are under arrest arrest until further notice" he opens the police car backseat.

I tilted my head in to get in.

So much for doing the right thing.

I popped my gum.

** Matt Pov **

"One two three!" The man exclaimed. Something pressed on my chest as he said that.

It felt cold. Really cold.

I don't remember being here?

"He's dead sir" a woman voices speak. Who is she referring too? I'm not dead!

"I've never lost a patient I'm not going to loose one now!" The man reply.

"Again!" He says.

The last thing I remember was being with my--

"where is she?!" I woke up from the unfamiliar place I was in.

There were bright lights.

I couldn't fully see where I was.

"H-He's alive" the woman looked at me in disbelief.

"Never lost a patient" The man seemed pleased with my waking

"Yes, I am. Now, where's my wife" I ripped off the wires that were glued on my body.

"S-Sir, you shouldn't do that you have not healed," The woman tells me.

"I appreciate all your help but I need to find my wife." I started to get up from the bed.

"sir, you need rest" The man tried to lay me back on the bed.

"I don't care" I escape from his grip and bolt out the door.

Then something caught my eyes.

I saw a room on my right filled with man and woman in white robes circled the operating bed.

I looked closely. I recognized the sleeping woman.

"Becky, sweetheart" I opened the unknown room. There were stitches, wires all connected to her.

"GET HIM OUT HERE" A woman that was trying to stop more blood from coming out of my wife's body.

"Sir, you have to leave now" The man and the lady that ran out from earlier caught up with me.

The forced me out the room when I looked from the glass windows someone among them came to veil the blinders.

"S-Sir, she going to be alright. Those are the best doctors--" The nurse tells me.

"Yea, they better be the best. That's my wife fighting for her life in there" I felt dizzy and took a seat on the chair.

"S-Sir, you should go back your--" she says.

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