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THE DAY AFTER the movie, Luna sat on the kitchen counter next to Emily who was cooking for the boys

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THE DAY AFTER the movie, Luna sat on the kitchen counter next to Emily who was cooking for the boys. Luna had stayed, yet again, at Sam's wanting to check up on Jacob once he had fully changed.

She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he found out that she knew about wolves the whole time, or how she found out. She loved retelling that story.

As her and Emily talked about anything and everything, it was always easier for the two of them to have a conversation then Luna and Bella, they could hear loud laughter and the signature sound they made to let Emily, and Luna, that they were here.

Sam came into the house first, ruffling Luna's hair before going over to his fiance. Luna smiled at the two of them. She had always found their relationship cute, especially after she learned what imprinting was.

Luna used to love seeing Sam and Leah Clearwater together and the youngest Swan was pissed when Sam suddenly broke up with her and then when Luna found out that Sam was a wolf, she understood why he had to do what he did.

Emily was his soulmate, just like she was Embry's.

Paul and Jared were the next two coming in the house.

"Paul!" Luna jumped off the counter, "I need you to check over my math homework."

"Anything for you, Little Moon." Paul gave her a smiled, taking the binder from her hands.

Luna leaned over his shoulder, watching as he corrected half the problems as arms wrapped around her waist and she was lifted in the air.

"Embry!" She squealed as he kissed her cheek, holding her against him.

"Hi." He mumbled, sitting her down so that she could turn in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck.

"Hi." She pecked his lips a couple times.

"Luna?" Jacob's voice made her turn her head towards the sound of it.

"Hey, Jacob." She smiled, "I think I like wolf Jacob's hair better. The long hair wasn't cutting it for you."

"Wolf? You, you know about us?" Jacob looked at her in shock.

"Sam was a kick ass babysitter." Luna smirked towards Sam, who threw his head back with a booming laugh. "He, uh, got aggravated with me one day because I wanted apple juice and all he had was orange juice."

"She threw a fit in the middle of the yard and I shifted. Ironically, she wasn't even scared. All she did was smile really big and ask a lot of questions."

"I was curious person." Luna shrugged, going to hug Jacob. "Welcome, to my pack."

"Luna thinks she runs us." Jared told Jacob with a playful roll of his eyes, "And Sam let's her believe that."

"Shut up, you ass!" Luna exclaimed as everyone laughed.


Luna sat at the kitchen table, a plate of pizza in front of her and her phone in hand. She had finally went back to her house and had been staying there. Jacob was a great addition to the pack, even if he did spend half the time whining about not being able to see Bella.

The youngest Swan wasn't worried about her sister, she was more worried about Quil. She had gotten a phone call from him the day before, ranting about how Jacob showed back up to school with Paul, Jared, and Embry and how he had resorted to siting with Seth Clearwater and his friends during lunch.

Because two of the four best friends couldn't talk to Quil, Luna had spend a couple of days just hanging out with him at the beach, where Sam and the others would sometimes show up to.

Luna was pulled from her phone screen as Bella stormed down the stairs.

"Where are you going?!" Luna called after her older sister, only the two of them being at home.

"To Jacob's!" Bella called back, slamming the door behind her.

"Oh shit." Luna mumbled, quickly calling her boyfriend.


Embry walked with the others up to Jacob's house, seeing him coming out the backdoor in the pouring rain and just as he did, Bella's truck pulled up and then his phone started ringing.

He quickly pulled it out to find Luna's name flashing across the screen.

"Luna, Baby, we got a problem." Were the first words to leave Embry's mouth.

"Bella's already at Jacob's isn't she?" Luna sighed on the other end and Embry could picture her running her fingers through her hair. "Just, just made sure Jacob's okay after."

"You got it, Babe." Embry told her, "I love you."

"I love you too, Em." Luna said before hanging up.

"You okay, man?" Embry asked as Jacob walked over to them.

"I'll be fine." Jacob sighed, "At least I got you and Luna."

"You'd be crazy to think Luna is gonna lose either of you." Paul told them.


Luna sat next to Harry Clearwater as they had gotten back from their fishing trip and she wanted to visit with Harry.

"Dad!" Bella ran into the house, causing the three to look up.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Charlie asked.

"Their not giant bears, Dad! Their wolves!" Bella exclaimed, and Harry and Luna turned to look at each other wide eyed.

"Damn it. I told you to stay out of the woods." Charlie told his oldest daughter.

"What did you see?" Harry asked, turning his head from Luna, who was hiding her phone as she texted Sam to tell him that Bella was telling their dad she saw them.

"Wolves. They were wolves, Dad. Five of them. The size of cars, I swear." Bella said, "They went after - something."

"Harry, can you get some me from the rez?" Charlie asked Harry.

"What? Dad? What are you gonna do to them?" Luna asked, jumping to her feet.

"I'm gonna find them and then we're gonna kill them." Charlie said.

"Oh, shit."

1,008 words

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