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"I don't wanna do this

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"I don't wanna do this." Embry mumbled to Luna as they stood in the kitchen at her house.

Charlie had been working a lot more to keep his head away from his oldest daughter and her new husband on their honeymoon. And because of that Luna stayed between her house, Sam and Emily's house, and Embry's house, occasionally with Jacob and Quil crashing.

"Baby, it's now or later." Luna says, pulling a pan of cornbread out of the oven.

"Okay, later." Embry said, playing with the ends of his t-shirt.

"Embry, we have to tell him." Luna turned, putting her hands on her hips even though she still had the oven mitts on her hands.

"Have to tell who what?" Charlie asked, walking into the kitchen. "Embry, do you ever go home?"

"No, sir."

Charlie chuckled, "What's for dinner?"

"Pot roast, mashed potatos, broccoli and cheese, and corn." Luna answered, grabbing plates out of the cabinet and handing them to her fiance, who was quick to sit them on the table.

"Sounds good."

The three quickly sat down, fixing their plates and just talking about anything ranging from how school was going, to how things were going on the rez.

"Alright, Dad." Luna spoke up as they were eating dessert. "Em and I have something we need to tell you."

"So, what is it?" Charlie looked between the two 17 year old's. "You aren't pregnant are you?"

"No!" The two exclaimed, looking at each other wide eyed.

"No, no." Luna shook her head. "I'm not pregnant."

"Good. I'm already worried about Bella coming home pregnant." Charlie sighed, running his hand over his hair. "Then what is it?"

Luna bit her lip, feeling Embry out his hand on top of hers and intertwining their fingers together.

"Uh, well."

"Just spit it out." Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"Embry and I are engaged." Luna said quickly, eyes looking every where but her father's.

"Excuse me? I don't think I heard you right." Charlie leaned forward. "Say it again."

"Embry and I are engaged." Luna said slower this time, her heart thumping in her chest.

"And how long has this been?"

"Since before Bella announced that she was getting married." Embry decided to answer this time.

"Who all knows about this?" Charlie asked, "Luna? Your turn."

"Sam and Emily."

"That's all?" Charlie raised an eyebrow before the couple looked at each other. "Who else?"







"My mom."




Charlie looked between the two as they named off the names. "Okay."

"Okay?" They asked in sync.

"I, I think I need to lay down." He stood up, "We'll talk about this in a few days. Good night, Luna, Embry."

The two watched as he walked up the stairs before looking at each other.

"Are you okay?" Embry asked.

"I don't know."


Charlie stood by his window, looking down at his youngest daughter and her boy - fiance - hugging by his truck.

"Engaged." He mumbled to himself, sitting on his bed. "How did I become so old?"



"Luna, call Embry and tell him to come over." Charlie said, walking into her bedroom before walking back out.

The youngest Swan looked confused before grabbing her phone and calling her fiance.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Embry asked when he answered the phone.

"Uh, are you busy?" She asked, scratching the top of her head.

"Not this moment. Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. But, uh, Dad wanted you to come over."

"What?" Embry's eyes got wide.


"Okay, I'm on my way." He said before hanging up.


Luna and Embry sat in front of her father at the kitchen table, silence filling the house as he looked at them.

"Okay, I'm not mad that you're engaged." Charlie said, holding his hand up as Luna went to say something. "But there are some rules."

Luna chuckled, "Dad, you ca-,"

"Zip." Charlie said, "First of all, nobody is getting married until after you graduate High school and even then, wait a while. Second of all, just don't hide anything else from me, either of you."

"Of course, Dad." Luna smiled, standing up and hugging him. "I love you."

"I love you too, Luna Grace."

716 Words

Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to @Hufflepuff_Queen-Tia who suggested this chapter.

I'm still taking ideas on what should happen, even in future chapters after Bella and Edward come back and even for Breaking Dawn Part 2, which will be the last part for this book.

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