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"Are you stupid?!" Embry exclaimed as he and Luna walked up the porch steps of the Cullen house

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"Are you stupid?!" Embry exclaimed as he and Luna walked up the porch steps of the Cullen house. "You told their dad?!"

"You don't realize the danger you've put him in! The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us." Bella exclaimed.

"I didn't tell him about you! Or you. Just me! I only said you were different." Jacob said.

Edward rolled his eyes, "And we have a niece that we adopted."

"I mean, seriously Jacob, he's not going to just let that go!" Bella yelled.

"Did you consider the physical pain he'll put Bella through?" Edward asked, motioning towards his wife. "It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down her throat. And that's assuming she can control her thirst."

"Did you consider the physical pain leaving would put Jacob trough?" Luna furrowed her eyebrows at the two vampires. "The two of you have no clue how painful the imprinting can get when one of them are away from their imprints for long amounts of time. Besides did you really think I would want you to take my niece away?"

Bella looked at her little sister, shrugging. "I was hoping that you would come with us."

"And leave our father behind? Our mother? Phil? Embry?" Luna questioned, "It's not happening."

"Look, Charlies been in hell. And I know you'll be happier with him in your life." Jacob says, causing the new born to glare at him.

"Jacob, don't try and pretend that you're doing this for anyone but yourself." Edward scoffed.

"Sorry you feel that way," Jacob looked between the husband and wife, "Because he'll be here in ten minutes."



"These will irritate your eyes at first." Alice told Bella as she put contacts into her eyes, so they would return to their natural brown color instead of the blood red that she sported.

"The main thing is not to move to fast." Carlisle told her.

"Try taking a seat." Esme says, "Crossing your leg."

Bella moved to sit in the chair, only she moved much faster than she should have and slammed into the chair.

"Maybe a tad slower."

"And blink at least three times a minute." Alice said and Bella started blinking her eyes repeatedly. "Good."

"For a cartoon character." Jacob and Embry mumbled, earning jabs in the ribs from Luna.

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