Chapter Three

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•Chapter Three•
*Alexanders pov*

"Oh my god, why did you buy so much." Nadine whines as she walks through the front door of my apartment.

"Because I just moved here, why else?" I laugh, closing the door behind us with my foot.

We walk to the kitchen and set the bags down on a counter. I really don't want to put away groceries while I have a guest.

I look to where Nadine was, and she's gone. I walk out of the kitchen a bit and find her by the door, taking her shoes off.

"Sorry. Weird neat freak kind of stuff, I guess." She smiles slightly.

I had just met Nadine but she already felt like a best friend and like I could trust her. This was a risk, but I'm willing to take it. "Its alright. Do you.." I close my mouth, contemplating if I should say it or not. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

"Technically I always have a place to stay. But if you're asking for a sleep over.. I would love to stay." She smiled.

"I even have a guest room!" I say and motion for her to follow me. Leading her to the guest bedroom near the end of the living room.

"Or I could sleep with you" She winks and looks at me.

We hold eye contact for a couple seconds but in those seconds it felt like minutes. Share a bed with me? I haven't shared a bed with anyone since Ethan and I.. My cheeks go red at the memories. But even redder at the thought of Nadine and I so close.

"Im kidding oh my god!" Nadine bursts into a fit of laughter.

I smile and shake my head slightly. Since she is staying the night, I should put away the groceries anyways. "I need to put away groceries. Make yourself at home." I say before walking away.

"Can I help?" She asks.

I turn slightly to try and read her facial expressions. She seems genuine with the question. Not like she's just asking to be nice but really doesn't want to.

"You don't have to." I say after a few seconds of just watching her.

"I know I don't have to. But I want to." Nadine walks to the kitchen with me following behind.

As she begins to put away certain foods that belong in the fridge she says "Tell me more about that Ethan guy."

I start putting cans and boxes in the pantry. "Uh well. You know about the auctions?" I ask.

"Uh no not really. That's a western thing." She laughs slightly.

"It's really complicated honestly. Like age varies, depends on money. It's a long process. But Ethan was at the auction.. and I bought him. At first I was so rude. I was planning on keeping him for a year and set him 'free'. That was allowed. I treated him like a pet but told him he wasn't. It was so rude of me. I struggled between treating him like an actual human and like a pet. He noticed. But no matter what he was sweet to me. It was hard to not get attached to him. I treated him like a pet to avoid any complications. But a human because I felt rude and I didn't want him to fear me or feel as though he couldn't trust me.

Ethan made me feel safe. Forget about my problems. I wanted to just curl up with him and sleep. Cuddle. Take him on dates or cook him food. Even after finding out a secret of mine he remained loyal. We started dating. And that was so nice. But then he realised he wanted to go to college, here in Maryland. Become a doctor. I wanted to follow him. I wanted to come here with him and continue our relationship. But I knew he would tell me to stay and live my life. To not follow him. So I was set on that. I was going to wait.

He came back. Eight years later. God it was torture waiting eight years. Obviously we'd talk on the phone occasionally but college takes up a lot of your time. He came back with a boyfriend, August. I was so jealous. I wanted Ethan to myself. I wanted to tell August to back off. But August proposed. Right in front of us all. And Ethan said yes." I finally look up, after explaining my story. After fidgeting with the things I was putting away. After wanting to cry.

"You don't want them to get married." Nadine says it more like a statement rather than a question. She closes my fridge, finishing putting the things in the fridge.

"Not at all. There's something about August that I don't trust. But I don't know what it is." I sigh.

"So split them up." She says before putting some frozen meats into the fridge.

"I don't know how." I say. Keep it simple. Don't expose that you want to break them up.

"Show Ethan that August isn't what Ethan needs or wants." Nadine says it, almost as if it were that simple.

"See when you say that, I think of like making out with him. But that means Ethan is cheating. And if he were to cheat, he'd hate himself. I can't do that to him." I finish putting all of what I had away.

"So show Ethan that August is a bad person. Find out Augusts' secret, if he has one." She smiles evilly and takes a seat on the stool at my table.

"He knows exactly what I look like. It would be too suspicious."

"I'll ask Matthew to keep an eye on August." She smiles.

"Matthew?" I ask.

"Basically a brother to me." she waves her hand and pulls out her phone, typing away almost instantly.

I put all the bags together and hang them in the pantry while I patiently wait for her to stop texting. But of course putting the bags away takes hardly a minute. I go to take a glass out of a cupboard before realising I didn't buy plates or glasses or silverware.

"Absolute idiot." I mumble to myself and close the cupboard.

"You good?" Nadine looks up from her phone.

"Forgot plates, bowls, cups, silverware. Normal house things w person needs." I roll my eyes, mostly at myself for being an idiot.

"We can shop tomorrow for that stuff. But it it helps any, Matthew said he is willing to help." She smiles.

"That's good." I smile to myself. I can try to split them up. This is my moment.

"He just needs to know their name and address."

"Ethan Ezell and August Adams. 524 N Charles St #1103. Baltimore, Maryland(MD), 21201" I say, almost as if it were my apartment. Why did I have it memorised already?

"Which one is August?" She asks, typing away on her phone.

"Blonde, taller than Ethan. Uh brown eyes. Kinda tan but not tanner than Ethan. He's kind of weirdly skinny. Like his body isn't proportional? I mean mine isn't either but.." I trail off, just kind of thinking.

"That's all I need. Matthew is super good at 'investigating' and paying attention. He picks up on little details. He might even take photos for proof." She smiles.

"Creepy but I suppose it's needed. Thank you so much Nadine. I've known you for just a few hours and you're already like a best friend." I walk over and hug her, automatically.

She hugs me back and when she pulls away she lightly swats my arm and fake pouts. "I just got friend-zoned."

I shake my head lightly while smiling and she bursts into laughter.

"Movie?" She asks.

"Netflix it is. To the couch." I point to the living room.

Tonight will be a fun night and August gets watched. Let's hope this works.

|| A/N
YO SO next chapter. Watching August is creepy, yes, but I wasnt entirely sure how else Alexander could figure out whats going on with August. The mystery remains. stay "tuned" ||

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