Chapter Fifteen

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•Chapter 15•
*Alex POV*

He stares at the screen as it goes black, a wave of emotions going through his eyes. Sadness. Anger. Disappointment. He has the right to feel this way. I would feel this way too, if I were in this situation. But I'd likely let one solid emotion control me. Rage.

"I'm sorry Ethan." I practically whisper.

"Please tell me it's fake. He was just acting, right? It's for a movie? Please." He begs, his eyes full of tears.

He searches my eyes for a lie. Like this is just a dream. It isn't real. This isn't his life. This isn't whats happening to him. And I hate to say that it is his life. This is what is happening.

"I wish I could." I look at him, disappointed myself.

He gets up from my desk chair and hugs me with such force that it pushes me back on my bed while he's on me. He cries. He cries so hard I feel his body vibrating against mine. I feel the dampness from his cheeks on my neck and his breath coming out hot and shakey on my collar bone. I rub circles on his back, in hopes to calm him.

After a while of just sitting here, god maybe a half an hour, he calms down. He isn't crying. Just slight hiccups occasionally.

My door opens with a hushed creak and I see Nadine in the doorway.

"How'd it go?" She whispers.

"He's not taking it well but it's better to tell him the truth rather than lie." I whisper back.

She nods, remaining silent.

"I'm gonna try to let him get some rest. It's a lot to process."

She nods again and closes my door.

"Hey, E?" I shake his shoulder a little.

He hiccups.

"You should get a little rest. I'll tuck you in and everything." I pet his hair.

He nods against me but makes no move to get up.

With all my effort I struggle to sit up the both of us. He wraps his legs around my torso and keeps his head buried in my neck. I slowly manage to stand up. I hold him up with one arm and use the other to un-make my bed.

"I'm gonna put you down now." I whisper to him.

I set him down in the bed and he looks up at me, his eyes still red and puffy. I give him a sad soft smile before tucking him in.

He seems so lost. So hurt. It breaks my heart knowing that someone has done this to him. Has caused him so much pain.

"I'll come in and check on you in an hour or so but if you need me before then, just yell." I push some hair off of his forehead.

"Stay with me?" He whispers.

"I-" I start.

I'd love to but I'm scared something will happen and he'd regret it soon after. He's technically not even single yet.

"Please. I won't do anything. I promise." He brings his pinky finger out from under the covers.

"Fine." I smile and get under the covers with him.

He put his head back at my neck and slings an arm over my torso. I slide my arm under him and play with his hair, knowing I'd never be able to fall asleep until he is asleep as well.


I wake up to someone poking my face. Poking isn't even the right word. Dragging their finger over my face. One side of my cheek, over my nose to the other side.

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