Chapter Eighteen

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•Chapter 18 •
*Alexs POV*
~A/N i didnt want to include the issue of Ethan having to drink human blood in order to complete the transition to vampire cause i felt it was unnecessary. im sorry~

We stand up and grab our carry on. We managed to slip me, Matthew and Ethan into one little group of three seats. But Nadine had to sit in front of us. Thankfully we all sat in the front, so we were the first few off.

"God I hate planes." Nadine sighs.

"That's only because you had to sit with an old couple that decided to fight over whether diet coke is better than regular coke." Matthew smirks.

"Don't remind me. I can still hear the entire argument in my head." She rolls her eyes.

"Alright. Alright. Let's find the baggage claim." Ethan says.

We all start following signs. My mom is also at baggage claim and she's excited to share some news and see us. I'm nervous for the news actually.

After what feels like walking half of the airport, I spot my mom. Nadine and Matthew decide to go find our suitcases. And thankfully, mine is bright red and Ethans' is a bright blue so hopefully they'll find ours easily. And if not, it'll just keep going around so it's okay.

I spot my mom and Ethan and I both run over to her. Astor stands next to her and I assume this is what the news is.

"I've missed you!" My mother smiles as she pulls me into a hug.

"And you, Ethan!" She hugs him too.

"Astor. You've grown huh. What are you now, 8?" I joke.

"Haha, very funny. I'm fifteen."

"How are your parents?" I ask, I know it's a touchy subject. They came to fight and went back home. I havent seen them in a couple days.

"Oh same old. A mom who hates me and a dad who didn't want me in the first place." Astor gives me a sarcastic smile.

"Which is part one of the news I want to give you guys.." My mom trails off, looking at Astor.

"Could I stay with you guys? I could get a job so I can help with stuff. I'll do chores. I just can't stay with them anymore. I feel so unwanted and unloved." He looks between Ethan and I.

"I'll talk to Ethan real quick." I say, giving Astor a small smile.

I pull Ethan to the side and look at him.

"Thoughts?" I ask.

"I don't know. I mean I'm down in some ways but I don't have a room for him."

"I'll sleep on the couch." I say.

"That's not-" I cut Ethan off.

"I don't care. He's my nephew. I care about him."

"Okay. I'm for it. The concern was mainly in the spacing. We aren't raising him really." Ethan nods.

We walk back to my mom and Astor.

"We're down." I smile.

Astor jumps and pulls us into a hug, mumbling thank yous.

"As for the second part.. I may have bought you guys a house." My mom gives us a nervous smile.

"A what?" I ask.

"A house. It's still in Seattle. About twenty minutes from a hospital and ten from a high school. It has five bedrooms and three bathrooms, so it is a little pricey but you know us." She rolls her eyes at the end.

My eyes water.

"So what happens to my old apartment?" Ethan asks.

Just then Nadine and Matthew walk up.

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