Chapter 9 - What Goes Up...

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Matt Roman stared at the screen of his laptop. He'd logged out and back in three times and nothing had changed. In a matter of three weeks the attendance at his church had fallen by more than seventy percent. Even worse, the tithing and offerings had dwindled to almost nothing.

If things didn't change, and quick, the church would be broke in less than six months. In a fit of rage he shoved the computer off his desk, then walked over to one of the huge windows overlooking the estate grounds.

He'd had no idea that when Kharma had made her appearance, the television cameras had still been rolling. His entire global television and social media audience had heard him admit to being on Satan's side. Oh, and if that weren't enough, he'd told the world he had never read the Bible, about which he preached and wrote best-selling books.

The clips had been uploaded on every social media site and made the cable news rounds. Even with an orchestrated blitz of his own, claiming to have been a victim of a highly skilled hypnotist employed by the liberal atheists, the damage was insurmountable.

"Seriously? Liberal atheist hypnotist?"

The voice that appeared out of nowhere made him jump and emit a very feminine scream. He swung around to find a surprisingly normal-looking Kharma. Her black hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders and she was wearing jeans and a sleeveless blouse. A smile covered her face and her normally intense eyes appeared in a normal deep blue shade.

"I had to say something. You ruined me."

Kharma watched him turn back towards the window and she ignored the strong urge to push him through it. Instead she walked to the bar cart and poured herself a generous glass of whiskey.

"You are easily the most self-centered bone bag ever. Have you considered the hundreds of employees you're responsible for? And by the way, I didn't ruin you... you did that all by yourself."

Matt turned around and watched as she made herself comfortable in a wing chair. "Well, if I win then they win. How is that selfish?"

Kharma chuckled. "Oh My Father... you are as dumb as you are evil."

"You know, I'm getting real sick of your insults," Matt raised his voice and pointed a finger towards her. In response Kharma laughed out loud at him.

"Too bad there's not a damn thing you can do about it," she said and then sobered. "But, there is something you can do about your situation at the church, Matty-boy. You can have yourself replaced, find another pretty boy with a silver tongue and put him in front of the camera."

She could tell by the look on his face he'd never thought of that. Matt Roman was addicted to the limelight damn near as much as the money. The wheels began turning in his brain and his shoulders lifted ever so much.

"Yeah... I could make a show of stepping down to meditate and reflect. Say I'm turning the reins over for the good of the ministry. That'd keep the money flowing while I figure out how to make a comeback!"

He was pacing as he worked this all out in his head... muttering the whole while. After a few more laps he stopped suddenly and turned towards her.

"Wait a minute! Why are you helping me?"

"Who says I'm helping you?"

"You're going to just watch me build it back up and then destroy it again, aren't you?"

"That would be fun, and I very well may decide to do that if you don't do exactly what I tell you to." It was Kharma's turn to stand and walk across the room to look out the window.

"What would that be?

"You're going to step down, like you said. In addition, you're gonna gather all the expensive paintings and furniture in those ridiculous offices at the church and sell them. Same with the fancy cars, boats, and that obnoxious fucking helicopter."

He looked mildly stunned, and then furious. She tilted her head before adding. "Orrr... I could allow one of my minion demons possess you while I capture a video of you doing and saying all sorts of vile things."

Matt struggled to get his emotions under control and nodded his head. "What do you want me to do with the money?"

"I'll let you know once it's done. Another thing, you need to stop selling anything in that church. No more coffee, no cutesy mugs, and no more notebooks or t-shirts."

"But people want that stuff! They beg for it!"

Kharma roared as she flicked her hand, causing every book on his shelves to fly onto the floor. "Don't you dare defend your money-changing sins!"

Matthew stumbled backwards and tripped over an end table. He landed on his back and looked up into her darkened eyes.

"If the congregation wants coffee, you give it to them for free. If they want the church name printed on something then you make the logo available for free online and direct them to a local screen printer. What you don't do, ever again, is practice commerce on the grounds of my Father's house."

By the time she finished speaking her voice was low and her pupils were glowing red. Matthew closed his eyes, unable to keep looking at her.

"Get up, coward."

He stood, but kept his eyes lowered. "Okay, I'll start the process immediately. We'll give all the current merchandise away for free."

She nodded slowly, pleased that he seemed to have gotten the message. "Now, one more thing —your replacement needs to be an actual believer. And his first sermon needs to be on Matthew Chapter 19, verse 24, with a side of John 21, verses 15 through 17. It's time to remind the world about how Father feels about rich men."

"Okay, I'll make sure."

"Matthew?" When he looked up at her, she said, "write that down. Now."

He scrambled to get a pen and paper and wrote down the scriptures she'd given him. In what was almost a comical move, he showed her the paper so she could approve.

To his great relief, she turned and walked toward the door. With one hand on the knob, she looked back at him. "I'll be back in four days. In that time you need to have all the arrangements in place. And be prepared to be gone for awhile."

"Wait, where am I going?"

"You and I are going on an adventure, buddy. You've got a lot to learn in a short amount of time. I mean, I'm a helluva teacher, but from what I've seen... getting through to you is gonna be a challenge." Kharma giggled and shrugged her shoulders. "Bad news for you is that if I fail, I still win."

She walked through the doorway and just as he was about to exhale, she leaned back and popped her head in once more. "By the way, if you're thinking of trying to hide, just don't. There's no place far enough to run. Hitler tried that and ended up with his brains on the wall of his... shelter." Again, she giggled. "Okay, tata for now!"

This time, when he heard her voice again, it was from down the hallway, "Oh, and Matthew? I'd suggest getting a Bible and looking up John Chapter 2, verses 14 and 15!"

The sound of her laughter echoed through the halls for several seconds, and in his nightmares for several nights.

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