Chapter 10 - A Detailed Devil

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Jane got out of the taxi and paused for a moment in front of the restaurant. She was of half a mind to turn and hail another cab to take her back to the rectory. What had she been thinking to agree to this?

Just as she reached for the door, it opened and a man in a tuxedo ushered her in. The interior of the restaurant was bathed in soft light that made the red walls, furniture, and carpet glow. She followed the Host to a table in the center of the room, directly under a stunning chandelier.

After allowing the man to seat her, she finally made eye contact with Lucifer and gave him a shy smile. "I guess what they say is true."

"And what would that be, love?"

"The Devil is in the details." She narrowed her eyes as she noticed how the soft white light from the chandelier threw well-placed sparks of light throughout his rakishly long onyx hair. The red accents warmed his pale skin and created a violet tint to his eyes. "I have a feeling you planned everything from the decor, to the menu, to the lack of other patrons."

The grin that took over his visage was genuine. "You give me too much credit, dear Jane."

"Oh knock it off. We've already established that you love accolades."

In response, Lucifer held his hands up in mock surrender. "You've found me out, but really, you gave me no choice. This was the only way I could get you to agree to dinner, alone."

Jane looked around at the empty tables and wondered if he'd bought the place out, or used his influence to get this level of cooperation. "As much as I've enjoyed all of our lively discussions and theological... debates, Luci, I don't ever see a time in which visiting you in your apartment will happen."

He placed both of his hands over his heart in an act of mock hurt. "You wound me, Sister. It's not as if I'd ravish you against your will."

"Ha! It's the against your will part that worries me." To hide the blush that had taken over her face, Jane raised her wine glass and took a long sip. "Oh wow, that's spectacular wine."

Lucifer raised his own glass in a toast, as he decided to let her words go. Among the many things he'd learned about Saint Jane over the past few weeks, one thing stood out in particular. She rarely referenced herself in any personal manner — no hopes, dreams, or desires of any kind, and so he knew how much it must have cost her to admit that weakness.

"To the unlikeliest of friendship this side of Beauty and the Beast..." he said as their glasses touched with a clink.

Jane savored the wine as it hit her tastebuds. It was silky smooth with hints of plum, blackberry, light licorice, and a creamy vanilla finish. She said a quick prayer of gratitude to a Creator who would make such a treat for his misbehaved children.

"I'm glad you consider me a friend, especially after all the work I've put you through," she said as they were handed menus.

"That you have. I hope you understand that you are the only human being that will ever manage to talk me into babysitting," he uttered the word with a sneer.

"Oh come on," she laughed in return, "it was one little girl and I saw you laughing with her!"

"Take that back! No such thing happened."

"Whatever, Luci."

"I'll deny it with my dying breath, on a stack of Holy Bibles."

"Fat lot of good that'll do, you're the Father of Lies! And besides, your dying breath will never come."

They both laughed and Lucifer raised his glass in salute. "Touché, my dear."

The conversation was put on hold as they ate the delicious meal of medium rare steaks and brown-butter mushroom risotto. Lucifer had learned that Jane loved good food over the last couple of weeks and enjoyed watching her devour the meal with gusto.

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