Chapter 17, 18 & 19

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Chapter 17

Tony wrote to me. He had been gone longer than expected but had now set all things in order and would soon leave for our court once again. The betrothal of Alex and De was under negotiations. I was sure Tony and my father will be most fair in lands and dowry concerning the young couple.

Alex and De were to stay at our court. The wedding would be soon after all was sorted. This was for two reasons. Alex would not be parted from her, and they were both of an age where waiting was not of an issue. He was a man as she was a woman.

Quai was to stop and visit Terry for two days' time on her way back from her lands and then head back to me. My sweet Terry and Quai. I missed them dearly. However, a mother's love must not outweigh their duty to their lands and people. More importantly their family. Their father's family doted upon them so. This gave me comfort. Knowing they were loved and by so many people. They were, after all, all they had left of him.

My belly had seemed to grow almost overnight. Le noticed this first.

"Have you swallowed a banquet, Tye, your belly has changed even since I laid eyes on you only moments ago." she said with a smirk.

"Indeed, I feel the same, and uncomfortable. Breathing was much less a chore last week it seemed." I replied.

She and De helped me stand to get to my chamber pot and that was when the panic set in. As soon as my feet were firmly planted and I stood up, water gushed from between my legs. Le turned to the servants.

"Her majesty's water has broken. Fetch the doctor and mid-wife. Hot water from the kitchens and clean sheets and towels. Also, send to his majesty now!! He is but a day away. Tell him to "ride hard." He shall know the meaning of those words." She ordered.

My ladies rushed to clean me up and get me to a chair so the bed could be converted for birthing. Sheets fit to labor and birth a prince or princess on replaced the others. Towels were laid and water brought on. I was given a dry and clean shift to labor in. The mid-wife and doctor arrived. She checked me beneath my shift as the doctor checked my belly.

"The belly is hard and the child ready." The doctor relayed to the mid-wife.

"At least three and a half to four centimeters, doctor. We have time, but the child will join us by tomorrow, I am sure of it." She replied.

"Is your majesty in any pain?" he asked

"Some." I replied, as I could feel the waves of contractions beginning to wash over me. This is the time I would usually begin to walk and rock. This time, I was laid back to rest. I was to do nothing to bring this child faster. He had stayed put another month, but everyday counted in his strength to live outside my womb.

The physician had wine with herbs to help relax the body and dull the pain brought to me. He then asked of my ladies and servants,

"Has word been sent to the king?"

"It has." a servant replied. "He will know in hours and set his course for home."

The doctor nodded his approval, had words with the mid-wife and left. Nicole gave me the wine and I drifted into a peaceful slumber. I would wake to chaos and surprise.

Chapter 18

"Your majesty. Tye, you must wake now." said the mid-wife. "The babe needs your help."

"What, what is the matter?" I asked groggily. The herbs given by the doctor had worked to well to help me slumber. I found it hard to wake when she called to me. That is until the pain came. It was then that I felt a pain likely to rip me in two.

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