Chapter 26, 27 & 28

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Chapter 26

My sisters began to arrive with their children. I was overjoyed to see my nieces and nephews. How they had grown. They were beautiful and handsome and any family would be blessed to have a marriage arranged with them. They had all been taught their duties. They knew the power of family.

Those who were teenagers knew the truth. The younger ones only knew that their aunt and uncle, the king and queen, wanted to see them. An invitation from us was an honor and not to be ignored.

We greeted them all when they arrived. After the formalities, there were hugs and kisses and merriment all around. Once the last sister and her family arrived and everyone was settled in their chambers, I had Ivel brought to me. She arrived and curtsied, but she also looked nervous. It was a far cry from when she was last here, helping to arrange protection for our house and seeing that I was seen to as I was carrying her twin nephews.

"Sister." I said without a hint of cheer in my voice.

"Your majesty." she returned with a curtsy.

"I am sure you know why I have called you here."

"I have an idea, it has to do with the recent actions of my husband." She said, standing and coming over to me.

"Why has Mekhei refused to attend father as our other brothers in law have?"

"I have heard he is not the only to refuse." she replied.

"You have heard correctly, and we know that the other is involved in treason. Am I to think the same of Mekhei?"

"I will be honest with you sister. I know not. My husband has been changed since I returned from visiting you. He has received letters from Tally and has even traveled to meet with him."

"And? What has he said to you of it?" I demanded to know.

"Only that he wants nothing to do with any fighting amongst family."

"Nor does anyone. That still does not explain why he refused father's invitation. Does he want his wrath to fall on him as well as others?"

"He says not. He thought the invitation a ploy to hold him hostage since he has always been friends with the Duke. They grew up together and you know our lands are near to his. They have hunted together and our sons often visit. He thought that our father thought him to be in this with the duke and that he would have his head." She said with fear in her voice.

"Well. I will tell you this. His refusal to accept an invitation from the king has brought his head closer to the block. Where is he now?"

"He is seeing to our estates."

"Do you think that he might be persuaded to go. If he is innocent, let him present himself to father and be proven so. If not, he, you and my beloved nephews would all be thought to be party to this treason. If that happens, I fear that not even father's love would protect you."

She gasped and looked utterly frightened.

"How can anyone think such a thing. I love my family." She almost pleaded.

"You also love your husband, and wives have been known to switch allegiance to that of their husband's houses. Who could blame them? Is a wife not bound to her husband? In that, you could almost be forgiven, almost." I said sternly.

"I will write to him and plead. If only for our sons. I can only hope he sees logic and relents." She answered. I knew she was sincere. But I must be hard and guard our home.

"Go, write with all haste. You do know, that unless he does relent, you and your children shall remain our guest. It is the only way we can protect you from what may happen."

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