Chapter Two

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I woke up, and wrinkled my nose at the musty odor of whatever I was confined in.  My limbs were squished, and they were cramping something fierce. I tried to wriggle around to give myself some room, but to no avail.  The heat was almost unbearable, and my clothes were all damp. I grew tired over time, and slid into unconsciousness again.

I was in pain, but my mind was so clouded I could hardly feel it.  It was dark, and I could feel the curved confinement I was in. I pushed weakly against it, but only a slight rocking could be felt.  I wanted to get out, but my body had other ideas...I fell back into a pool of black, my efforts of escape silenced once more.

The next time I woke up, I was even more cramped, and I could definitely feel the the pain.  And it was hot! Good lord! It felt like a fireplace was burning right next to me!

I felt a new energy rush into me as I moved around in the tiny space.  It was getting harder and harder to breathe the musty air. I had to get out of here!  I pushed against the sides of the box I was in, and it moved just a tiny bit. I pushed against it once more, and one of my arms broke through.  Bright light filtered in through the cracks of whatever I was contained in. I pushed again at the part of the container that had broken, and it finally gave way.  I fell out, and flashes of green spread around me. I was scared, and hopped backwards just a bit, and saw that it was following me.

I whipped my head around rapidly, and I discovered my neck was longer and more flexible.  My body was now green...and I had four legs, and my skin was hard and scaly. And wings. I.  Had. Wings.

I opened my mouth and screamed, but instead of a scream, a warbling sound exited it.  I started breathing heavily, and backed up until my flank hit a glass wall. A heat lamp was above me, that was the source of the heat and brightness.  The floor of whatever was holding me was covered in fine grains of sand. Then, I saw a slight reflection, and in it was a small green dragon, it was me!  I screeched again, which softly wound down to a scared crooing.

Calm down.  You’re going to be okay.

The voice had echoed into my mind, and it just frightened me more.  The instincts for this body had me growl, and sit down, and I glanced wearily around me.  A silver miniature dragon was staring me down from another cage across the aisle from me, and I hissed at it.

As I said before, you are going to be okay.  I’ll help you through this.

How is he doing that? I thought.

Just focus on my face, and try to, ‘push your thoughts into my mind.’

I decided to try what the male voice said to do.  I assumed it was the silver dragon, so I did as he asked.

Hello?  Can you hear me? I asked timidly.

Good job!  I would tell you how to access the main mind-link, but I think you are too skittish right now.  Talking to me will be just fine.

O..okay.  Do you have any idea why we are here? I said to him.

No...but there is something in common with all of us.  We were all kidnapped, and turned into this...body that we call dragonets.

That’s horrible!  What’s your name? I asked.

My name is William.  What about you? What’s your name? he asked.

My name is Pine.  It’s very nice to meet you, William.

Thank you.  It’s very nice to meet you as well, Pine.  Did you notice? He asked, with a gleam of amusement in his eyes.

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