Chapter Seven

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“No!  Stop it!” yelled Tanya.

I growled at her, the growl rumbling in my chest while I looked at the wooden table I had just ruined.  I had needed to sharpen my claws, and there was a perfectly good dining room table there, and they never used it!

Walking away, I ruffled my left wing.  It was itching to fly, and the wrap around my right wing was preventing it.  Two days ago, they had taken the cast off, and I was annoyed by how I could not fly.  I knew that I had to let my wing stay in the wrap for at least a week until I could even think about flying, but it was still a very irksome situation.

“Mommy, she’s just trying to sharpen her claws!” Crystal complained.

“Yes, but not my old antique table!” Tanya cried.

Crystal must not have been used to been yelled at, and her eyes welled up with tears.  I growled slightly at the woman. What did an old antique table matter?! Crystal was so young, and this mother should learn how to act around a young child.

I made the decision right then and there.  I got right up on my feet, and marched over to Crystal.  I was still incredibly weary, but she had made no move to hurt me.  She didn’t even come near me, keeping a respectful distance since I had growled at her that one time those two months ago.

I stretched my neck out as far as it would go, and bumped her hand, before quickly withdrawing.  She glanced over, her face streaked with tears, until she noticed it was I who had touched her. She froze, and slowly stretched her arm out until it was a hair's breadth away.  She had stopped breathing, and sat very still. I was impressed.

I turned my head away, and walked to the window.  The setting sun danced across my scales in a kaleidoscope of colors.  I trilled softly, stretching out my wings. I glanced back at Crystal, and almost smiled.  Her face was brightened with an expression of awe.

However, her mother was horrified.  I heard her mutter under her breath, “The sooner we get rid of her, the better.  I can’t have my daughter around this creature.”

I was not happy, not one bit.  This woman was trying to demonize me!  It was her fault that we were created. She may have done it against her will, but she still was a main genetic chemical engineer.  Just to spite her, I dug my claws into the floor when I jumped up to my perch. I glanced back at her, and grinned, while she glared at me in fury.  Crystal was looking a whole lot better, and she was even looking happy. She gave a dazzling smile in my direction, before turning her head to her mother.

“Mommy, can we go to the park please?  I want to swing!”

“Yes, Crystal.  We can go to the park.”

“Yay!  Can we take pine with us?  Pleaaaaaaseeeee?” she asked with the most innocent expression.

“No, we can’t.  If someone sees her, she’ll be taken away, and the you’ll die.” Tanya explained solemnly.

They walked out the door of the house and I sighed in relief.  I was alone at last. I let my tense muscles relax, and reached my mind into the endless void of mindspeech.

William? I asked.

An almost instant reply came back.

Yes, Pine?  How are you?

I’m okay, I guess.  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I want to go back to the lab. I said.


I miss you.  And I miss everyone, but mostly you…

I’m sorry again for last month...I truly am, you have no idea how sorry I am. William almost pleaded.

William, I already said it was fine.  Let’s just let bygones be bygones, alright?

Okay, but you know that I truly am sor-

I cut him off.

Yes, I know you’re sorry.  Let’s move on! I have some great news for you!

What’s your news? he asked, and he sent feelings of curiosity and excitement down the link.

I think I’m going back to lab soon!  My wing is wrapped up in athletic wrap, you know the kind that they use just to wrap up minor sprains and twists?  They said I can come back in about two weeks!

Really!?  That’s spectacular! he exclaimed happily.

I know, right?  I’ll get to see you again!  And I’ll get to see Drake, and Tasha, and all of my other friends too!

That’ll be grand, Pine!  Just grand!

But most of all I’m looking forward to seeing you… I murmured shyly.

I think you've already made that clear, William said softly.

He didn’t need to send the feelings he was feeling across the mindlink.  I could tell there was immense affection and gratitude, and even hints of love in his tone of voice. are wonderful.  There is no one on earth as wonderful as you.  And no one on earth who is worth my time as you are. I said.

I’m glad to hear that, Pine. am I.

Pine, I would love to stay and chat with you more on this subject, but I must tell the others about your condition.  Talk to you later?

Of course, I breathed.

Goodbye, Pine.

Goodbye, William.

The mindlink was silent once more.  I was lonely, yes, but I knew my William would speak to me again in a couple of hours.  And I knew he would always speak to me. No matter what.

I curled up underneath the heat lamp, and drifted off into a peaceful doze, but it was suddenly interrupted by an explosion of  hundreds of panicked mind voices filling my head.

What’s happening?!

Someone help, I’m stuck!

I’m trapped, get me out of here!

Somebody help me!

Was that an earthquake?!

What the hell?!



All I could think of was the lab.  It must be in trouble. My head shot straight up, and only then did I notice the house shake ever so slightly.  My advanced hearing picked up on many disturbances in the sky above me. I growled, very uneasy.

What the hell is happening up there? I thought to myself.

I snapped open my wings without thinking, and took to air.  My right wing twinged weirdly, and I felt something pop. It wasn’t painful, but it was uncomfortable.  I alit onto the ground and shook myself like a dog, trying to get rid of the feeling. I trotted to the window, and my jaw dropped open at the sight I saw.

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