Chapter 48

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"Oh my god," I gasped, watching the video on replay for the 5th time. Every news channel across the world were sending this video viral, sending out warnings and retelling and retelling the story.

"Good evening, breaking news reveals a man who was spotted this morning with glowing orange eyes, attacking a group of local civilians. Police arrested him later this morning," a news woman explained while I stood frozen. "One of the officers explained they thought that he was simply wearing contacts to scare people and was possibly drunk but later, CCTV caught a video of the man merging into some sort of wolf like monster."

An image of a large grey wolf flashed up on the screen. "As you can see, this creature can grow another pair of legs, a sharp row of teeth, long claws and illuminated eyes," she explained. "Take a look at the video."

Again, the video replayed and the snarling of the man echoed through the otherwise silent living room yet again. On a deeper, stronger snarl than the rest, you see his fangs and claws appear and then after another growl, he pounced at the door and shifted mid-jump.

"Officials warned residents in any nearby towns to stay locked inside or to travel in groups and its advised that everyone is cautious until we can be sure he is the only one of his kind. More to come later on this story."

I wasn't sure who switched off the TV, but the three of us stood, completely still and completely silent. The secret was revealed. People knew and it could all be over for werewolves.

The sound of the door bursting open had me jumping in my spot and spinning quickly with glowing eyes and pointed claws. I was already paranoid to say the least.

I calmed when Tyler came frantically bundling down the hall, his face a perfect image of fear. "Have you seen it?" He barked.

I nodded, unable to find my voice. "We need to make some calls," he explained.

Again, I nodded before glancing to a panicked looking Zach. I sent him what I hoped would be a reassuring smile and followed Tyler into the office.

I ended up making several calls to any Alphas that were allies of my pack, making plans to stick together and protect our secret heavily over the next few months.

During our phone conference with the majority of Alphas in the country, we came to an agreement that, despite our nature, we would abandon the wolf that was captured and hope that he wouldn't be killed so when everyone eventually got over it - if they ever did - we could form a plan to free him.

I felt guilty for leaving the man to humans. Scared humans who would likely torture so they felt in power, so they felt stronger and simultaneously safer.

Once it was decided, every Alpha went silent, sending prayers for the man. It was a wolfs nature to protect their own, to band together to be strong. It was why we ran in packs. So leaving a wolf behind was one of the worst things you could do.

Finally, I rang my dad. "Hey, have you heard?" I asked him when he picked up.

"Yes, I saw the news this evening and have been helping Aiden deal with everything, he was just about to call you... I thought you would prefer if he was the one to call," he mumbled the end but I ignored it.

"Is Aiden ok?"

"He's fine, just panicked. Are you ok? How are you coping?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I admitted, running my hand over my face. "This is big, bigger than a fight or a trespasser. How am I going to protect everyone from this?" Dean was one of the best Alphas in history so I knew he would have some advice.

"I gave Aiden the same advice, I recommend keeping to yourself, limiting time in the human world, increasing security. Right now Ella, your pack has to be the priority, rest of the world be damned," he told me and I knew he was right. I couldn't feel guilt for the wolf that was caught, I couldn't go out of my way to protect packs that weren't my own.

"Thank you."

"Have you spoken to Zach and Liam?" He questioned and I sighed.

"I told them, but I never got to hear what they were thinking. I was interrupted with this huge mess." I slumped back in my chair, Tyler had left a little while ago once we had finished all the business stuff, now I just found myself needing advice, guidance.

"There is nothing you can do about the situation now so talk to them. It's probably still on their mind," he advised and I nodded.

"You're right. Thanks, I will speak to you soon."

"See you soon Ella." He ended the call and I groaned as I looked to my desk scattered with papers and folders and important documents.

Deciding Zach and Liam were more important, I quickly called Tyler and requested he organised a pack meeting for tomorrow morning then strolled back to the kitchen.

"Hey baby, is everything ok?" Zach handed me a drink and I sat opposite him at the counter, sighing.

"I guess, I have a feeling its every pack for themselves now. We have agreed to leave the guy to the police and hope they don't kill him. Trying to break him out would draw too much attention and blow our secret immediately. At least at the moment they only think there is one." I shrugged, feigning nonchalance despite the growing pit in my stomach.

Zach kissed my cheek and I smiled. "I'll tell the rest of the pack tomorrow. Have you two thought any more about your brother?" I glanced between the two of them and watched them silently discuss something.

I waited patiently until Zach sighed. "Nothings changed," he told me.

"Everything changed!" I defended. How could he say that nothings changed? He had another brother.

"El, if he tried to kill your mom even with Dean there, chances are he won't hesitate to do the same with you and it would be our fault for bringing him straight to you," Liam explained and I frowned.

"I don't care," I told them.

Zach sighed. "Well we do."

"Zach, he is your brother," I reminded him and then turned to Liam. "He's family."

He shook his head. "You are family, he is blood but you are family Ella. We aren't going to lead someone who may try to kill you straight to your door," he said with finality but I wasn't done.

"Guys please, I don't want to be the reason you don't meet your brother."

"We don't even know if he is our brother," Zach reminded me, downing the rest of his drink.

I sent my boyfriend a deadpan look. "You saw the photo. Don't bother using that crap Zach," I snapped and he frowned.

"Whoever he is-." He rounded the counter and placed a kiss on my forehead. "-he isn't worth losing you."

I leant up to press my lips to his, showing him just how much I loved him in the soft brush of my lips against his. "Well you will never know if you don't take the risk." I sighed and turned to Liam. "Please consider it."

He again, glanced between me and Zach, thinking it over before his shoulders slumped. "We'll think about it."

I wrapped my arms around him and then kissed Zach again. "I'm going to bed, night guys." I turned to leave.

"Night El," Liam called and Zach grabbed my wrist.

"Night baby, I'll be up in a bit." I could see his worry as he searched my eyes for something. He thought I was mad. I claimed his lips in mine and smiled against his soft mouth.

"Love you," I assured him before climbing the stairs and collapsing into bed after what felt like the longest day of my life.

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