Chapter 15

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I could hear voices muttering in the background. My eyes felt so heavy. I didn't want to open them.

"She turned?!" Exclaimed a voice. My head pounded at he sudden loud sound.

"Shhh," I heard a softer voice say, "yes but that's not the point. She was able to regain control. You should have seen it was like a switch. I think...I think she could really learn to control it."

"Thomas, you know what it can do to her. It could destroy her." Said the loud voice referring to my strange fire strength.

The fire power strength in me had been passed down my family for decades. I didn't know much about it other than the eldest child inherits it. I never really got to know much about it because my father didn't get to explain it to me.

All I knew was that it was hidden from others because it was hard to control and not really meant to be out in the world. That much I knew was true so I never really searched for more information.

"It has already destroyed her. We should at least try. I think she could do it." The voice claimed determined. That's it they won't talk about that in front of me anymore.

With that I slowly opened my eyes the light blinding me for a second. I heard footsteps more closer to me.

"Rue? Rue! Are you okay? How many fingers am I holding? Who am I? Do you know who I am? Rue? Can you even hear me?" I blinked to see Thomas hovering over me practically yelling in my ear with three fingers shoved in my face.

"Shut up, Thomas. And three." I said groaning as my head pounded at the sound of my voice. I heard a chuckle come from Mason I think.

"Water." I said and immediately Thomas gave me a glass of water that was on the side table. I pushed myself of the bed to a sitting position.

I closed my eyes still blinking as I felt a small migraine coming. "Turn off the fucking lights. Would you?" I told them closing my eyes until the lights were off. I grabbed the water as the soft artificial glow was the only thing in the room. I gulped it down feeling the cool fresh water down my dry throat.

"How long was I out?" I asked moving my neck.

"Just a day." Mason informed me.

I looked at the wall in front of me trying to remember what happened momentarily confused. My eyes widen when I remembered how Zeiden was that night.

I turned to Mason. "And Zeiden? How is he? Is he awake? Where is he?" I asked him worried.

He looked a bit surprised, "he is okay. In the guest room in front of your room." I sighed in relief glad he was okay.

"What happened? Why was his car like that?" I asked both of them. "Was it a car accident?"

" found that the rouges jumped in front of the car causing the accident. We took care of the police and his guardian." Mason informed me as I processed the information finding the overwhelming urge to go to my mate. Ugh is it always going to be like this. I swear I am turning into one of those clingy love stuck puppies.

I removed the covers from my legs when they suddenly both stood in my way blocking the door.

I could see how worried they looked yet they didn't say anything. "What?" I asked confused again worried it was about Zeiden.

They didn't say anything looking at each other. "Guys. Spit it out." I commanded them.

Thomas gulped looking in my eyes sadly as he held my hands, "Rue Zeiden...he's..he's in a coma."

I froze in shock. I could feel myself closing up. The familiar numbing feeling like a blanket covering my pain. Trying to fool me into letting go of the pain.

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