Chapter 16

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I heard the door being opened. I tensed from my position on the chair next to Zeiden's bed. I had fallen asleep my head on my arm.

I heard footsteps walking across the floor. I gripped the knife in my pocket. My heart speeded up and my hearing got sharper. Adrenaline.

I could hear the footsteps stop behind me. I gripped the knife tighter in my hand. It helped me sleep knowing that I wasn't entirely defenseless if an attack were to happen.

I could hear breathing behind me. I tried to catch a scent but couldn't.

I quickly stood up holding the knife out of sight but ready to strike.

I heard a gasp from the person then, "Rue what the hell! I thought you were asleep!" Mason whispered loudly.

"I should be the one asking you that! What are you doing here at dawn, Mason. You startled me." I yelled at him flipping on the lamp besides me.

He held up a small plastic bag. "I was going for a run and Dr.Robert ordered me to bring some medicine for Zeiden. And you? We agreed you would at least take the couch." He scolded me.

I sat back down tried now that the adrenaline left my body. "Don't worry I just fell asleep." I waved off his scoldings yawning.

"Rue," he sighed tired himself, "would you stop this nonsense. You have everyone worried. You haven't come out of this room in days. You can't keep staying here forever. Thomas won't tell you but he is overwork and tired. He is taking on so much. He needs your help. We all do." He informed me. My heart did yearn to go see my pack. Wants to help them mate.

These pass days I wouldn't let anyone in the room if I wasn't here. I didn't want for him to even have the slightest possibility of getting hurt.

"Can't you at least come downstairs? Your migraines have been getting worse since you locked yourself in here." I looked down at my sleeping mate. He had shown no signs of waking up which just got my wolf on edge.

I sighed not wanting to worry the pack I agreed, nodding. "I'll go down for breakfast in a bit." I didn't feel anything. The logical part of my brain moving me deciding it was the best way to take care of my pack.

"Okay!" Mason excitedly set down the bag and left with a small bounce in his step. Sometimes I forget how easy it is to please them.

I spent the rest of the few hours working on some new blue prints. Just because I didn't come out of the room didn't mean I wouldn't do work.

I saw the clock and noticed that breakfast would begin.

I changed into something a bit more presentable than sweats. Some jeans and a grey tank. I slipped on some white converse. After I brushed my teeth and hair I headed down.

I could hear the laughter from the dining room from the stairs. I smiled to myself.

As I walked into the room, it went quiet. I walked to the chair at the head of the table knowing all the attention was on me.

Thomas sat on my right and the left seat was unoccupied. For my mate.

Thomas looked surprised to see me just like everyone else in the room. I sat on my chair and Laura one of the helpers in the kitchen quickly set some waffles for me. I thanked her and began to eat.

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